PPP (purchasing power parity)
Purchasing power parity (PPP)
Secondary activity
Secondary distribution of income account
Actual final consumption of general government
Allocation of primary income account
Balance of primary incomes
Consumer price index
Current transfers within general government
General government
General sales taxes
Primary incomes
Parity progression ratio
Cross-currency interest rate swaps
Forward rate agreements (FRAs)
Interest rate swaps
Multiple official exchange rates
Reference rate of interest
Swap - interest rate
Swaps - cross-currency interest rate
Taxes resulting from multiple exchange rates
Chain indices
Fisher's Ideal Index (price)
Fisher's Ideal Index (volume)
Index linked securities
Laspeyres price index
Laspeyres volume index
Paasche price index
Paasche volume index
Price index
Quantity index
Tör nqvist price index
Tör nqvist volume index
Unit value index
Volume index
Crude birth rate (2 definitions)
Crude death rate (2 definitions)
Crude divorce rate
Crude marriage rate
Foetal death rate
Infant Mortality Rate (2 definitions)
Maternal mortality rate
Neo-natal mortality rate
Total fertility rate
Age-specific fertility rates
Net migration rate
Net reproduction rate
Population growth rate
Rate of natural increase
Chain index
General Data Dissemination System, GDDS
Index type
Primary Energy Consumption
Primary source
Quality index
Secondary Air Pollution
Secondary Radiation
Secondary supplier
Secondary Treatment
Air Pollution Index (API)
Air Quality Index
AMA rate
Annual growth rate
Biodiversity Indices
Climate Index
Coliform Index
Erosion Index
Exchange rates
Greenhouse Climate Response Index
Growth rate
IMF based rate
Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW)
Item response rate
Market rate
Non-response rate
Official rate
Price adjusted rate of exchange (PARE)
Principal rate
Refusal rate
Response rate
Soil Erosion Index
UN Operational rates
Unit response rate
Water Quality Index
Weighted average exchange rate
Discounting (of natural assets)
National income
Biodiversity Convention
Zero Population Growth (ZPG)
Cost-benefit Analysis
Compilation of vital statistics data
Computer software
Neutral holding gain
Repatriating refugees
Base period (2 definitions)
Disposable income
Education level
Factor reversal test
Transitivity (in international comparisons)
Current external balance
Debt-for-nature Swap
Derived statistic
Durable good
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Environmental Impact Statement
Forward foreign exchange contracts
Geometric depreciation
GNI (gross national income)
Gross national income (GNI)
Income from abroad - net
Net income from abroad
Net national income
Net present value
Non-durable good
Type of data collection
Bacteria Denitrification
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
Chilling Effect
Environmental Quality
Final consumption expenditure of government
Food Chain
Government final consumption expenditure
Base year (BSYR)
Weight period
Base year weights
Export duties
Reference period
Time reversal test
Counterpart reference area
Gross domestic product (GDP)
Currency swaps
Generation of income account
Gross value added
Ground-level Ozone
Losses of government trading organisations (Subsidies on)
Subsidies to public corporations and quasi-corporations
Value added - gross
Entertainment, literary or artistic originals
Official statistics
Tertiary Treatment
Total final consumption
Coverage ratio
Exposure to risk, principle of
True value
Base weight
Statistical measure
Universal Soil Loss Equation
Analytical unit
Ancillary activity (2 definitions)
Other non-market producers
Timeliness in register-based vital statistics
Mean age at child bearing
Own-children method
Aggregates of the SNA
Credit derivatives
Defensive Expenditure
Economic assets
Export subsidies
Export taxes
GDP at constant prices
Informal sector
Nominal holding gain (by non-residents)
Recurrent losses (from inventories)
Reserve assets
Waste Collection
Activated Sludge
Actual final consumption of households
Change in real national net worth
Classification of the functions of government (COFOG)
COFOG (classification of the functions of government)
Collective consumption service
Flows in real terms
Functional classifications
Historic monuments
Household actual final consumption
Implicit price deflator
Neutral holding gain (by non-residents)
Other current transfers
Public corporations (non-financial and financial)
Real holding gain
Real income
Social insurance benefits
Process Weight
Trophic Levels
World Conservation Strategy
Brackish Water
Catalytic Incineration
Chloro-fluorocarbons (CFCs)
Environment Statistics
Environmental Externalities
Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI)
Appgar score
Foetal death ratio
Life expectancy by sex
Total fertility
Nominal growth
Real growth