GDP per capita
PPP (purchasing power parity)
Purchasing power parity (PPP)
GDP - expenditure based
GDP - income based
GDP - output based
GDP at market prices
GDP at constant prices
GDP at current prices
GDP by kind of economic activities
GDP by types of expenditure
GDP deflator
Gross domestic product (GDP)
Shares of GDP
Catch per unit of effort (CPUE)
Green GDP
Poll taxes
Coefficient table
Payroll taxes
Subsidy on a product
Tax on a product
Venting of Landfill
Particulate Loadings
Population Density (2 definitions)
Control of a corporation
GNI (gross national income)
Gross national income (GNI)
Main aggregates
Ambient Concentration
Dust Burden
Flux (in nuclear science)
Ground-level Pollution
Incipient Lethal Level (LD50)
Intensive Agriculture
Peroxyacetyl Nitrate (PAN)
Price relative
Direct investment enterprise - foreign
Foreign direct investment enterprise
Gross value added
Population sex ratio
Production account
Sex ratio at birth
Value added - gross
Glaciers and Perpetual Snow
Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI)
Genuine Saving
Infant mortality
Mortality under age 5
Complete civil registration
Crude birth rate (2 definitions)
Crude death rate (2 definitions)
Crude divorce rate
Crude marriage rate
Foetal death rate
Foetal death ratio
Infant Mortality Rate (2 definitions)
Neo-natal mortality rate
AMA rate
Implicit price deflator
Price adjusted rate of exchange (PARE)
Brackish Water
Dissolved Oxygen (DO)
Dyeing Wastes
Fishing effort
Ground-level Ozone
Ozone (O3)
Population Equivalent (in waste-water monitoring and treatment)
Secondary Treatment
Selective Cutting
Universal Soil Loss Equation
Volume Over Bark (VOB)
Maternal mortality rate
Dependency ratios
Net migration rate
Net reproduction rate
Total fertility