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GDP by types of expenditure

GDP at current prices

GDP - expenditure based

GDP at market prices

GDP at constant prices

GDP - income based

GDP - output based

Expenditure taxes


Expenditures on goods and services produced on own account

Final consumption expenditure

Final consumption expenditure of government

Final consumption expenditure of households

Final consumption expenditure of non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs)

Final consumption expenditure of NPISHs

Final expenditure

Government final consumption expenditure

Gross domestic product - expenditure based

Household final consumption expenditure

Imputed expenditure

National expenditure

NPISH final consumption expenditure

Private final consumption expenditure

Basic price

C.i.f. price

Constant prices

Consumer price index

Economically significant prices

F.o.b. price

Fisher's Ideal Index (price)

Gross domestic product at market prices

Gross value added at basic prices

Gross value added at producers' prices

Implicit price deflator

Laspeyres price index

Market price equivalents

Market prices

Paasche price index


Price adjusted rate of exchange (PARE)

Price index

Price relative

Producer's price

Purchaser's price

Tör nqvist price index

Transfer price

Current account (balance of payments)

Current accounts

Current cost accounting

Current external balance

Current international cooperation

Current taxes on capital

Current taxes on income, wealth, etc

Current taxes on land and buildings

Current taxes on net wealth

Current taxes on other assets

Current transfers

Current transfers - fines and penalties

Current transfers - lotteries and gambling

Current transfers - payments of compensation

Current transfers between households

Current transfers from/to abroad

Current transfers to NPISHs

Current transfers within general government

Miscellaneous current taxes

Miscellaneous current transfers

Other current taxes

Other current taxes n.e.c.

Other current transfers

GDP by kind of economic activities

GDP deflator

GDP per capita

Gross domestic product (GDP)

Shares of GDP

Full-cost Pricing

Green GDP

Net Price

Data type

Defensive Expenditure

Environmental Expenditures

Index type

Pollution abatement costs or expenditures

Type of data collection

Exchange rates

Main aggregates

AMA rate

Actual individual consumption

Subsoil assets (2 definitions)

GNI (gross national income)

Gross national income (GNI)

Factor reversal test

Unit value


Gross saving

Net saving

Capital stock - gross


Gross capital stock

Import duties

Net value of a fixed asset



Written-down (net) value of a fixed asset

Mining Wastes

Net present value

Sustainable Income

Classification of individual consumption by purpose (COICOP)

COICOP (classification of individual consumption by purpose)

Reimbursements - social security benefits

Social security benefits - reimbursements

Metadata object


Credit derivatives

IMF based rate

Body Burden

Chemical Toilet

Combustion Equipment

Lake Classification

Waste-water Treatment

Base weight

Existing good

Other non-market establishments

Poll taxes

Social benefits

Base year (BSYR)

Double deflation

Hedonic method

Defensive Environmental Costs

Market establishments

Market Valuation

Drift-net Fishing

Historic cost accounting

Final use quadrant


Gross value added

Production account

Value added - gross

Category Scheme

Derived data element

Institutional sector

True value

Chain indices

Disposable income

Gross domestic product - output based

Gross national disposable income

Intermediate use quadrant

Market output

Market producers

National disposable income

Net national disposable income

Non-market producers

Other taxes on production

Taxes on international transactions

Flows in real terms

Subsidy on a product

Central product classification (CPC)

CPC (central product classification)

Generation of income account

Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI)

Genuine Saving


Industry (producer) technology

Legal entities

Product (commodity) technology

Subsidies on payroll or workforce

Taxes on lotteries, gambling and betting

Transactions account

Civil register

Deep-discount bonds

Event register

Financial derivatives

Foreign migrant workers

Index linked securities

Losses of government trading organisations (Subsidies on)

Margin (trade)

Neutral holding gain


Other non-market producers

Real holding gain

Reference period error

Repurchase agreements

Sampling error

Trade margin

Trading gains and losses

Unit value index


Actual final consumption of general government

Actual final consumption of households

Classification of outlays of producers by purpose (COPP)

Computer software

COPP (classification of outlays of producers by purpose)

Deposit-refund System


Economic Instruments

End-of-pipe technology

European System for the Collection of Economic Information on the Environment (SERIEE)

Household actual final consumption

Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW)

Land Improvement

McKelvey Box

Mineral exploration

Restoration Costs


Stumpage Value

Total final consumption

Capital consumption

Ecological Footprint


Informal Settlements

Oil Spill

Classification of the functions of government (COFOG)

Classification of the purposes of non-profit institutions (COPNI)

COFOG (classification of the functions of government)

Contingent assets

COPNI (classification of the purposes of non-profit institutions)

Existing fixed asset

Fixed asset - existing

Maintenance and repairs (of fixed assets)

Non-life insurance claims

Payments by households to obtain certain licences

Payments of compensation

Perpetual inventory method (PIM)


Secondary distribution of income account

Social assistance benefits in cash

Social insurance schemes


Taxes on capital gains


Agricultural Pollution

Base year weights

Built-up and Related Land

Catch per unit of effort (CPUE)


Environmental Services


Gamma Radiation

Land-use Classification


Nominal growth

Physical Accounting

Real growth

Soil Conservation


Tropical Forest


United Nations Conference on Environment and Development

Vulnerable Species

Waste Collection

Change in real national net worth


Holding gains

Indirect taxes

Neutral holding gain (by non-residents)

Nominal holding gain

Nominal holding gain (by non-residents)

Non-market output - other

Non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs)

NPISHs (non-profit institutions serving households)

Other accumulation entries

Other flows

Other non-market output

Population register

PPP (purchasing power parity)

Purchasing power parity (PPP)

Real gross domestic income (real GDI)

Real income


Reference period

Subsidies to public corporations and quasi-corporations

Tax on a product

Time reversal test

Transfers of individual non-market goods or services

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United Nations Statistics Division