GDP per capita
Consumption of fixed capital
Existing fixed asset
Fixed asset - existing
Fixed assets
Gross fixed capital formation
Intangible fixed assets
Maintenance and repairs (of fixed assets)
Major renovations or enlargements (of fixed assets)
Net fixed capital formation
Net value of a fixed asset
Other intangible fixed assets
Rental on fixed assets
Tangible fixed assets
Taxes on the use of fixed assets
Written-down (net) value of a fixed asset
Catch per unit of effort (CPUE)
Population density (2 definitions)
Payroll taxes
Long-range Transport of Air Pollutants (LRTAP)
Population sex ratio
Poll taxes
Complete civil registration
Market non-profit institutions serving businesses
Reference period
Coefficient table
Subsidy on a product
Tax on a product
Venting of Landfill
Shares of GDP
Particulate Loadings
Control of a corporation
Chain index
Perpetual inventory method (PIM)
Dependency ratios
Final expenditure
Ambient Concentration
Dust Burden
Flux (in nuclear science)
Ground-level Pollution
Incipient Lethal Level (LD50)
Intensive Agriculture
Peroxyacetyl Nitrate (PAN)
Capital consumption
Current transfers to NPISHs
Geometric depreciation
Gross capital formation
NDP (net domestic product)
Net domestic product (NDP)
Net value added
Other buildings and structures
Other machinery and equipment
Producers for own final use
Unforeseen obsolescence
Value added - net
GDP by types of expenditure
Population by five-year age group and sex
Sex ratio at birth
Direct investment enterprise - foreign
Foreign direct investment enterprise
Glaciers and Perpetual Snow
Bonds and debentures
Capital stock - net
Intermediate consumption
Net capital stock
Own-account producers
Infant mortality
Mortality under age 5
Crude birth rate (2 definitions)
Crude death rate (2 definitions)
Crude divorce rate
Crude marriage rate
Foetal death rate
Foetal death ratio
Infant mortality rate (2 definitions)
Neo-natal mortality rate
Blue-green Algae
Environmentally-adjusted net Capital Formation (ECF)
Hotelling Rent
Individual Transferable Share Quota (ITSQ)
Land Improvement
AMA rate
Aggregates of the SNA
Capital stock - gross
Constant prices
Current taxes on net wealth
Deductible VAT
Double deflation
Gross capital stock
Historic monuments
Investment grants
Net lending
Other accumulation entries
Other structures
Other valuables
Produced assets
Repurchase agreements
Unincorporated enterprise
VAT - deductible
Brackish Water
Dissolved Oxygen (DO)
Dyeing Wastes
Fishing effort
Ground-level Ozone
Ozone (O3)
Population Equivalent (in waste-water monitoring and treatment)
Secondary Treatment
Selective Cutting
Universal Soil Loss Equation
Volume Over Bark (VOB)
Maternal mortality rate
Net migration rate
Net reproduction rate
Total fertility