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Glossaries (6)

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Note issuance facilities

National accounts


Accrual accounting

Accumulation accounts

Allocation of primary income account

Capital account

Cash accounting

Current account (balance of payments)

Current accounts

Current cost accounting

Distribution and use of income accounts

Expenditures on goods and services produced on own account

External assets and liabilities account

Financial account

Generation of income account

Goods and services account

Historic cost accounting

Integrated economic accounts

Other accounts receivable/ payable

Other changes in assets account

Other changes in the volume of assets account

Own-account producers

Own-account workers

Production account

Redistribution of income in kind account

Replacement cost accounting

Rest of the world account

Revaluation account

SAM (social accounting matrix)

Satellite accounts

Secondary distribution of income account

SNA (System of National Accounts)

Social accounting matrix (SAM)

System of National Accounts (SNA)

Transactions account

Accounting conventions

Capital Accumulation (environmental accounting)

Depletion (in natural resource accounting)

Environmental Accounting

Green Accounting

Maintenance (Cost) Valuation (environmental accounting)

Material flow accounts

Monetary Environmental Accounting

Natural Patrimony Accounting

Natural Resource Accounting

Physical Accounting

Product Flow Accounts

Satellite System (of national accounts)

System of integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting (SEEA)

Securities other than shares

Operating surplus


Air Filter



Protection of Ambient Water


Data analysis



Transfer price

Fiscal year

Civil register

Civil registration system

GNI (gross national income)

Gross national income (GNI)

Classification of Environmental Protection Activities (CEPA)

Capital consumption

Environmentally Adjusted Net Domestic Product (EDP)


Insurance technical reserves

Line Transect Sampling

Producer's price

Purchaser's price

Rental on fixed assets

Repurchase agreements

Social assistance benefits in kind

Uncompensated seizures

Wages and salaries in cash

Maintenance and repairs (of fixed assets)

Major renovations or enlargements (of fixed assets)

Other volume changes

Payments by households to obtain certain licences

Compensation of employees

Consumption of fixed capital

Current external balance

European System for the Collection of Economic Information on the Environment (SERIEE)

Financial intermediaries

Materials and Energy Balances

Net recordings


Real interest


Balancing item

Due-for-payment recording

Carrying Capacity

Coastal Lagoons


Gamma Radiation

Household Waste

Market Valuation

Point Source of Pollution

Protection against Natural Hazards

Waste Collection

Double entry

Existing fixed asset

Exports of goods and services

Fixed asset - existing

Implicit price deflator

Principal party (to a transaction)

Production boundary



Contingent Valuation

Damage Cost

Energy Valuation

Environment Statistics

Environmentally Adjusted National Income (ENI)

Environmentally Sound Technologies

Equivalent Factors

Hotelling Rent

Internalization of environmental cost

Land Improvement

Net Price

Stumpage Value

Valuation of Natural Assets



Catastrophic losses

Computer software

Deposits - other

Disposable income


Exports of goods

Financial intermediation


Gross fixed capital formation

Gross value added

Holding gains

Imports of goods and services

Imputed expenditure

Kind-of-activity unit

Net lending

Nominal holding gain (by non-residents)

Non-life insurance claims

Non-life insurance premiums

Other accumulation entries

Other deposits

Pension funds

Property income attributed to insurance policyholders


Social contributions by self-employed and non-employed persons

Social security funds

Taxes on capital gains

UN Operational rates

Value added - gross


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United Nations Statistics Division