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Country or area Women's share of legislators, senior officials and managers Source
Year %
Algeria 2004 5 LFS
Anguilla 2001 52 PC
Antigua and Barbuda 2001 45 PC
Argentina 2006 a,b 23 LFS
Armenia 2001 24 PC
Aruba 2007 40 LFS
Australia 2008 37 LFS
Austria 2008 28 LFS
Azerbaijan 2008 7 LFS
Bahamas 2008 46 LFS
Bahrain 2001 12 PC
Bangladesh 2003 23 LFS
Barbados 2004 43 LFS
Belgium 2008 c    33 LFS
Belize 2005 d   41 LFS
Bermuda 2000 55 PC
Bolivia 2007 a      29 LFS
Botswana 2006 e,f  30 LFS
Brazil 2007 a  36 LFS
Brunei Darussalam 2001 26 PC
Bulgaria 2008 f  32 LFS
Cambodia 2001 a     14 LFS
Canada 2008 g 36 LFS
Cayman Islands 2008 44 LFS
Chile 2002 33 PC
China 2005 h 17 OE
China, Hong Kong SAR 2008 29 LFS
China, Macao SAR 2008 d    27 LFS
Cook Islands 2001 36 PC
Costa Rica 2008 e  30 LFS
Croatia 2008 f,i  27 LFS
Cyprus 2008 f,j 16 LFS
Czech Republic 2008 28 LFS
Denmark 2008 k,l  24 LFS
Dominica 2001 48 PC
Dominican Republic 2007 a      31 LFS
Ecuador 2006 a,m      28 LFS
Egypt 2007 n  11 LFS
El Salvador 2007 a    25 LFS
Estonia 2008 f,o  36 LFS
Ethiopia 2006 a,m    16 LFS
Finland 2008 k,o  30 LFS
France 2008 39 LFS
Georgia 2007 34 LFS
Germany 2008 k  38 LFS
Greece 2008 28 LFS
Guyana 2002 25 PC
Hungary 2008 o 36 LFS
Iceland 2008 p 33 LFS
Indonesia 2008 22 LFS
Iran, Islamic Rep. of 2008 a      13 LFS
Ireland 2008 32 LFS
Israel 2008 32 LFS
Italy 2008 33 LFS
Jersey 2001 q 30 PC
Kazakhstan 2008 38 LFS
Kuwait 2005 14 PC
Kyrgyzstan 2006 35 LFS
Latvia 2008 o 41 LFS
Lebanon 2007 8 HS
Lesotho 1999 a      52 LFS
Lithuania 2008 40 LFS
Madagascar 2005 r  22 HS
Malaysia 2008 n 24 LFS
Maldives 2006 14 PC
Malta 2008 17 LFS
Mauritius 2008 q 23 LFS
Mexico 2008 d    31 LFS
Mongolia 2008 q 47 OE
Montenegro 2005 n  20 LFS
Morocco 2008 13 LFS
Namibia 2004 s 36 LFS
Nepal 2001 a     14 PC
Netherlands 2008 27 LFS
Netherlands Antilles 2007 t 34 LFS
New Zealand 2008 40 LFS
Nicaragua 2006 a      41 LFS
Niue 2001 32 PC
Norway 2008 o 31 LFS
Occupied Palestinian Territory 2008 10 LFS
Oman 2000 e,u 9 LFS
Pakistan 2008 a 3 LFS
Panama 2008 48 LFS
Paraguay 2008 a 34 LFS
Peru 2008 d,m 19 LFS
Philippines 2008 55 LFS
Poland 2008 36 LFS
Portugal 2008 31 LFS
Puerto Rico 2008 q 43 LFS
Qatar 2007 7 LFS
Republic of Korea 2008 10 LFS
Republic of Moldova 2008 38 LFS
Romania 2008 29 LFS
Russian Federation 2008 v 37 LFS
Saint Lucia 2004 52 LFS
Samoa 2001 29 PC
San Marino 2008 18 OE
Saudi Arabia 2008 7 LFS
Serbia 2008 36 LFS
Singapore 2008 w 31 LFS
Slovakia 2008 x 30 LFS
Slovenia 2008 35 LFS
South Africa 2008 n  30 LFS
Spain 2008 p  32 LFS
Sri Lanka 2008 a,y 24 LFS
Sweden 2008 o 32 LFS
Switzerland 2008 30 LFS
Syrian Arab Republic 2007 10 LFS
TFYR of Macedonia 2008 29 LFS
Thailand 2008 24 LFS
Tonga 2003 27 LFS
Trinidad and Tobago 2005 43 LFS
Turkey 2008 10 LFS
Tuvalu 2002 25 PC
Uganda 2003 a      33 LFS
Ukraine 2008 z 39 LFS
United Arab Emirates 2008 10 LFS
United Kingdom 2008 q 35 LFS
United Republic of Tanzania 2006 16 LFS
United States 2008 q 43 LFS
Uruguay 2007 d    40 LFS
Viet Nam 2004 22 LFS
Yemen 2005 2 HIES
a Persons aged 10 and over.
b Coverage limited to 31 urban agglomerations.
c Including professional army.                                                                                                                                                                              
d Persons aged 14 and over.
e Persons aged 12 and over.
f Including armed forced and excluding conscripts.
g Excluding residents of the Territories and indigenous persons living on reserves. 
h Whole national economy excluding armed forces and reemployed retired persons.
i Estimates not sufficiently reliable.
j Government-controlled areas only.
k Including armed forces and conscripts.
l Persons aged 15-66.
m Urban areas. 
n Persons aged 15-64.
o Persons aged 15-74.
p Persons aged 16-74.
q Persons aged 16 and over.
r Persons aged 6 and over.
s Persons aged 15-69.
t Coverage limited to the island of Curaçao.   
u Data refer to Omanis.
v Persons aged 15-72.
w Data refer to residents (Singapore citizens and permanent residents).                                                                                                                       
x Excluding persons on child care leave.
y Excluding northern and eastern provinces.
z Persons aged 15-70.
Calculated by the United Nations Statistics Division based on data published by the International Labour Office in Table 2C Total employment, by occupation, available from ILO LABORSTA website,
LFS Labour force survey.
PC Population census.
OE Official estimates.
HS Household survey.
HIES Household income/expenditure survey.
Technical notes
The indicator refers to the number of women legislators and managers as a percentage of all workers in this occupational group. It provides an indication of the presence of women in decision-making positions.
The indicator is derived from statistics on the distribution of the employed population (in some cases of the economically active population) by occupation, collected mainly through labour force surveys. Where labour force surveys are not available, other household surveys and population censuses can also provide the requisite information.
The category "legislators and managers" refers to major group 1 of the 1988 revision of the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-88) and includes the following sub-groups: (a) legislators and senior officials; (b) corporate managers; and (c) general managers.
For those countries reporting employment statistics according to the earlier International Standard Classification of Occupations 1968 edition (ISCO-68), the category "administrative and managerial workers" includes the following sub-groups: (a) legislative officials and government administrators and (b) managers.

Indicators on Women and Men

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The Indicators on Women and Men provides the latest statistics and indicators on women and men in six specific fields of concern: population, women and men in families, health, education, work and political decision making. The statistics and indicators refer to the latest year for which sex-disaggregated data are available. The data have been compiled from official national sources as well as international sources.

These indicators are no longer updated. Please visit for other Gender Statistics.
Last update in UNdata: 2013/07/11
Next update in UNdata: Not applicable