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Country or AreaYearCommodityFlowTrade (USD)Weight (kg)Quantity NameQuantity
Algeria1995Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CImport43,89330,000Weight in kilograms30,000
Algeria1994Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CImport26,66922,561Weight in kilograms22,561
Argentina1995Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CImport1,103,1561,256,379Weight in kilograms1,256,379
Argentina1995Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CExport196,847251,533Weight in kilograms251,533
Argentina1994Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CImport1,146,6332,070,676Weight in kilograms2,070,676
Argentina1993Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CImport1,413,9772,426,472Weight in kilograms2,426,472
Argentina1993Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CExport98,992157,718Weight in kilograms157,718
Australia1995Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CImport1,712,9192,346,621Weight in kilograms2,346,621
Australia1995Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CExport2,545,0763,028,464Weight in kilograms3,028,464
Australia1994Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CImport284,228266,000Weight in kilograms266,000
Australia1994Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CExport2,487,4923,341,726Weight in kilograms3,341,726
Australia1993Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CImport190,066153,218Weight in kilograms153,218
Australia1993Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CExport2,049,6063,373,312Weight in kilograms3,373,312
Australia1992Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CImport327,550308,000Weight in kilograms308,000
Australia1992Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CExport292,515431,000Weight in kilograms431,000
Australia1991Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CImport304,336351,363Weight in kilograms351,363
Australia1990Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CRe-Export40,05643,479Weight in kilograms43,479
Australia1990Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CImport249,662426,648Weight in kilograms426,648
Australia1990Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CExport40,05643,479Weight in kilograms43,479
Australia1989Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CRe-Export8,9718,187Weight in kilograms8,187
Australia1989Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CImport178,622160,570Weight in kilograms160,570
Australia1989Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CExport730,3581,163,303Weight in kilograms1,163,303
Australia1988Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CImport116,151221,011Weight in kilograms221,011
Australia1988Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CExport943,8831,594,580Weight in kilograms1,594,580
Austria1995Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CExport2,971,8772,488,238Weight in kilograms2,488,238
Austria1995Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CImport1,530,5321,250,374Weight in kilograms1,250,374
Austria1994Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CExport3,614,1452,995,562Weight in kilograms2,995,562
Austria1994Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CImport1,239,4611,365,504Weight in kilograms1,365,504
Azerbaijan1997Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CImport149347Weight in kilograms347
Bahrain2001Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CImport30,72645,000Weight in kilograms45,000
Bahrain2000Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CImport25,12845,000Weight in kilograms45,000
Bangladesh2000Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CImport178,088280,000Weight in kilograms280,000
Bangladesh1998Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CImport35,09452,000Weight in kilograms52,000
Bangladesh1997Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CImport69,83099,000Weight in kilograms99,000
Bangladesh1996Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CImport321,600437,000Weight in kilograms437,000
Bangladesh1995Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CImport710,4841,384,500Weight in kilograms1,384,500
Bangladesh1993Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CImport260,546357,000Weight in kilograms357,000
Bangladesh1992Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CImport78,881109,000Weight in kilograms109,000
Bangladesh1991Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CImport58,26283,000Weight in kilograms83,000
Bangladesh1990Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CImport161,591190,000Weight in kilograms190,000
Bangladesh1989Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CImport11,40716,000Weight in kilograms16,000
Belgium-Luxembourg1995Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CImport1,052,0591,262,635Weight in kilograms1,262,635
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)1996Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CImport2,882968Weight in kilograms968
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)1995Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CImport110,418297,156Weight in kilograms297,156
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)1994Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CImport68,649176,292Weight in kilograms176,292
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)1993Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CImport105,706234,179Weight in kilograms234,179
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)1992Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CImport16,48147,164Weight in kilograms47,164
Brazil1996Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CExport215,372306,226Weight in kilograms306,226
Brazil1996Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CImport135,458152,342Weight in kilograms152,342
Brazil1995Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, >0.6%CExport226,372373,052Weight in kilograms373,052

Commodity Trade Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN Comtrade) stores more than 1 billion trade data records from 1962. Over 140 reporter countries provide the United Nations Statistics Division with their annual international trade statistics detailed by commodities and partner countries. These data are subsequently transformed into the United Nations Statistics Division standard format with consistent coding and valuation using the UN/OECD CoprA internal processing system.

Last update in UNdata: 2023/10/09
Next update in UNdata: 2024/01/05