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649 records | Page 1 of 13 | 
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Country or AreaYearCommodityFlowTrade (USD)Weight (kg)Quantity NameQuantity
Algeria1995Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CImport36,94117,812Weight in kilograms17,812
Algeria1993Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CImport140179Weight in kilograms179
Algeria1992Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CImport192,981158,381Weight in kilograms158,381
Argentina1995Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CImport1,146,3721,369,849Weight in kilograms1,369,849
Argentina1995Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CExport458,070742,400Weight in kilograms742,400
Argentina1994Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CImport1,288,6591,757,662Weight in kilograms1,757,662
Argentina1994Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CExport143,733288,375Weight in kilograms288,375
Argentina1993Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CImport1,028,8121,192,740Weight in kilograms1,192,740
Argentina1993Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CExport167,511337,346Weight in kilograms337,346
Australia1995Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CRe-Export9961,812Weight in kilograms1,812
Australia1995Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CImport1,104,7821,204,143Weight in kilograms1,204,143
Australia1995Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CExport9961,812Weight in kilograms1,812
Australia1994Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CImport1,060,9641,064,070Weight in kilograms1,064,070
Australia1994Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CExport577500Weight in kilograms500
Australia1993Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CRe-Export742367Weight in kilograms367
Australia1993Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CImport598,848553,515Weight in kilograms553,515
Australia1993Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CExport1,8771,367Weight in kilograms1,367
Australia1992Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CImport590,766555,000Weight in kilograms555,000
Australia1991Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CRe-Export8,1078,000Weight in kilograms8,000
Australia1991Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CImport1,293,3311,562,246Weight in kilograms1,562,246
Australia1991Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CExport8,1078,000Weight in kilograms8,000
Australia1990Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CRe-Export4,3065,875Weight in kilograms5,875
Australia1990Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CImport1,533,6511,630,090Weight in kilograms1,630,090
Australia1990Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CExport6,6427,937Weight in kilograms7,937
Australia1989Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CRe-Export9,3578,312Weight in kilograms8,312
Australia1989Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CImport1,727,1052,010,874Weight in kilograms2,010,874
Australia1989Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CExport13,56812,687Weight in kilograms12,687
Australia1988Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CImport782,766836,000Weight in kilograms836,000
Australia1988Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CExport25,13525,972Weight in kilograms25,972
Australia1988Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CRe-Export20,71419,910Weight in kilograms19,910
Austria1995Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CExport872,802657,016Weight in kilograms657,016
Austria1995Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CImport1,911,8761,519,818Weight in kilograms1,519,818
Austria1994Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CExport286,827222,714Weight in kilograms222,714
Austria1994Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CImport1,144,4971,131,186Weight in kilograms1,131,186
Bahrain2001Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CImport202,888334,496Weight in kilograms334,496
Bahrain2000Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CImport223,606361,846Weight in kilograms361,846
Bangladesh2001Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CImport503,962477,000Weight in kilograms477,000
Bangladesh2000Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CImport980,1271,308,000Weight in kilograms1,308,000
Bangladesh1998Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CImport8,98314,000Weight in kilograms14,000
Bangladesh1997Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CImport9,66413,000Weight in kilograms13,000
Bangladesh1996Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CImport15,40821,385Weight in kilograms21,385
Bangladesh1995Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CImport3,8926,000Weight in kilograms6,000
Bangladesh1993Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CImport6,45110,000Weight in kilograms10,000
Bangladesh1992Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CImport12,95220,000Weight in kilograms20,000
Bangladesh1991Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CImport19,76920,000Weight in kilograms20,000
Bangladesh1990Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CImport37,06260,000Weight in kilograms60,000
Bangladesh1989Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CImport2,7494,000Weight in kilograms4,000
Belgium-Luxembourg1995Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CImport1,540,7561,522,963Weight in kilograms1,522,963
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)1996Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CImport106,942204,421Weight in kilograms204,421
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)1995Wire, iron or non-alloy steel, zinc plated/coated, 0.25-0.6%CImport103,383112,101Weight in kilograms112,101

Commodity Trade Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN Comtrade) stores more than 1 billion trade data records from 1962. Over 140 reporter countries provide the United Nations Statistics Division with their annual international trade statistics detailed by commodities and partner countries. These data are subsequently transformed into the United Nations Statistics Division standard format with consistent coding and valuation using the UN/OECD CoprA internal processing system.

Last update in UNdata: 2023/10/09
Next update in UNdata: 2024/01/05