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6680 records | Page 1 of 134 | 
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Country or AreaYearCommodityFlowTrade (USD)Weight (kg)Quantity NameQuantity
Albania2022Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincExport388,182356,436Weight in kilograms356,436
Albania2021Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport2,312,7632,430,414Weight in kilograms2,430,414
Albania2021Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincExport198,236199,420Weight in kilograms199,420
Albania2020Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport9,524,91512,035,482Weight in kilograms12,035,482
Albania2019Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport6,387,3717,748,228Weight in kilograms7,748,228
Albania2018Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport2,666,7513,209,911Weight in kilograms3,209,911
Albania2017Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport2,998,6674,349,614Weight in kilograms4,349,614
Albania2016Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport6,687,26710,321,048Weight in kilograms10,321,048
Albania2016Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincExport17,39125,224Weight in kilograms25,224
Albania2015Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport6,135,4028,363,770Weight in kilograms8,363,770
Albania2015Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincExport5,4207,462Weight in kilograms7,462
Albania2014Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport3,451,4974,268,873Weight in kilograms4,268,873
Albania2013Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincExport1,049,214703,447Weight in kilograms703,447
Albania2013Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport6,071,8766,518,663Weight in kilograms6,518,663
Albania2012Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport5,647,9185,934,688Weight in kilograms5,934,688
Albania2011Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport6,603,1186,648,868Weight in kilograms6,648,868
Albania2011Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincExport362316Weight in kilograms316
Albania2010Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport4,261,0405,434,784Weight in kilograms5,434,784
Albania2009Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport3,691,1524,957,915Weight in kilograms4,957,915
Albania2009Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincExport22,07525,300Weight in kilograms25,300
Albania2008Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport2,981,3223,344,216Weight in kilograms3,344,216
Albania2007Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport3,603,3764,922,499Weight in kilograms4,922,499
Albania2006Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport2,576,2074,581,241No Quantity 
Albania2006Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincExport4,2057,920No Quantity 
Albania2005Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport1,648,8932,611,314Weight in kilograms2,611,314
Albania2004Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport307,218508,846Weight in kilograms508,846
Albania2003Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport585,1881,686,715Weight in kilograms1,686,715
Albania2002Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport612,7401,784,616Weight in kilograms1,784,616
Albania2001Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport145,504434,428Weight in kilograms434,428
Albania2000Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport41,931138,473Weight in kilograms138,473
Albania1999Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport35,265107,189Weight in kilograms107,189
Albania1998Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport61,068175,792Weight in kilograms175,792
Albania1997Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport33,51892,810Weight in kilograms92,810
Albania1996Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport38,248135,120Weight in kilograms135,120
Algeria2017Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport11,266,81913,126,911Weight in kilograms13,126,911
Algeria2016Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport13,294,48816,220,943Weight in kilograms16,220,943
Algeria2015Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport13,832,47416,117,390Weight in kilograms16,117,390
Algeria2014Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport16,277,35216,491,020Weight in kilograms16,491,020
Algeria2013Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport12,705,78712,459,287Weight in kilograms12,459,287
Algeria2012Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport13,580,12012,452,675Weight in kilograms12,452,675
Algeria2011Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport7,006,7996,175,946Weight in kilograms6,175,946
Algeria2010Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport7,544,2857,823,096Weight in kilograms7,823,096
Algeria2009Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport8,878,06410,411,537Weight in kilograms10,411,537
Algeria2008Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport2,889,6204,191,659Weight in kilograms4,191,659
Algeria2007Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport2,154,6694,672,455Weight in kilograms4,672,455
Algeria2006Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport3,401,5046,232,126No Quantity 
Algeria2005Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport1,798,4323,290,133No Quantity 
Algeria2004Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport1,132,0192,851,853Weight in kilograms2,851,853
Algeria2003Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport983,9952,150,427Weight in kilograms2,150,427
Algeria2002Iron or non-alloy steel; wire, plated or coated with zincImport446,597838,704Weight in kilograms838,704

Commodity Trade Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN Comtrade) stores more than 1 billion trade data records from 1962. Over 140 reporter countries provide the United Nations Statistics Division with their annual international trade statistics detailed by commodities and partner countries. These data are subsequently transformed into the United Nations Statistics Division standard format with consistent coding and valuation using the UN/OECD CoprA internal processing system.

Last update in UNdata: 2023/10/09
Next update in UNdata: 2024/01/05