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38 records | Page 1 of 1 | 
Country or AreaYearValue 
St. Helena202140001
St. Helena202040001
St. Helena201940001
St. Helena201730001
St. Helena20162758 
St. Helena20152728 
St. Helena20142673 
St. Helena20132608 
St. Helena20122541 
St. Helena20112419 
St. Helena20102379 
St. Helena20092339 
St. Helena20082288 
St. Helena20072278 
St. Helena20062244 
St. Helena20052251 
St. Helena20042251 
St. Helena20032194 
St. Helena20022154 
St. Helena200121282
St. Helena20002057 
St. Helena19992024 
St. Helena19981940 
St. Helena19971877 
St. Helena19961790 
St. Helena19951713 
St. Helena19941564 
St. Helena19931533 
St. Helena19921312 
St. Helena19911074 
St. Helena1990746 
St. Helena1989670 
St. Helena1988600 
St. Helena1987554 
St. Helena1986554 
St. Helena1985517 
St. Helena1984494 
St. Helena196080 


1 - ITU estimate
2 - Dec.

World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Database

Source:  International Telecommunications Union

ITU's World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Database is the main source of global, and internationally comparable, telecommunication/ICT statistics. It includes time series for more than 140 indicators and around 200 economies. The data are collected directly from telecommunication regulatory agencies and/or ministries and national statistical offices by means of an annual questionnaire, and subsequently verified, harmonized and complemented by ITU.

The data are disseminated online, via CD Rom and through numerous ITU publications, including the Yearbook of Statistics and the Measuring the Information Society Report. The statistics are used to track and benchmark the Information Society, to monitor the digital divide and to identify market potential and investment opportunities. They are an indispensable tool for policy makers in the area of ICT for development.

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Last update in UNdata: 2024/04/04
Next update in UNdata: 2025/04/01