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484 records | Page 1 of 10 | 
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Country or AreaYearCommodityFlowTrade (USD)Weight (kg)Quantity NameQuantity
Montenegro2022Horses; live, pure-bred breeding animalsImport2,839580Number of items1
Montenegro2022Horses; live, other than pure-bred breeding animalsImport4,732870Number of items2
Montenegro2022Cattle; live, pure-bred breeding animalsExport117,38717,040Number of items47
Montenegro2022Cattle; live, pure-bred breeding animalsImport732,705192,334Number of items329
Montenegro2022Cattle; live, other than pure-bred breeding animalsImport37,473,31812,853,120Number of items29,141
Montenegro2022Bovine animals; live, other than cattle and buffaloImport802,193233,810Number of items693
Montenegro2022Swine; live, other than pure-bred breeding animals, weighing less than 50kgImport43,90617,600Number of items430
Montenegro2022Swine; live, other than pure-bred breeding animals, weighing 50kg or moreImport222,065108,561Number of items1,376
Montenegro2022Sheep; liveImport3,670,6261,182,961Number of items34,278
Montenegro2022Goats; liveImport14,0775,055Number of items206
Montenegro2022Poultry; live, fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, weighing not more than 185gImport529,64565,736Number of items1,046,170
Montenegro2022Poultry; live, fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, weighing not more than 185gExport63,620210,990Number of items114,648
Montenegro2022Poultry; live, turkeys, weighing not more than 185gImport24,2262,878Number of items8,131
Montenegro2022Poultry; live, fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, weighing more than 185gExport14,51071,353Number of items39,053
Montenegro2022Poultry; live, fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, weighing more than 185gImport366,720102,739Number of items75,523
Montenegro2022Poultry; live, ducks, geese, turkeys and guinea fowls, weighing more than 185gImport8,8342,299Number of items2,100
Montenegro2022Birds; live, birds of preyImport1051Number of items1
Montenegro2022Animals; live, n.e.c. in chapter 01, other than mammals, reptiles, birds and insectsExport5,206515No Quantity 
Montenegro2021Horses; live, pure-bred breeding animalsImport2,011420Number of items2
Montenegro2021Horses; live, other than pure-bred breeding animalsImport5,323600Number of items2
Montenegro2021Cattle; live, pure-bred breeding animalsImport446,539191,030Number of items314
Montenegro2021Cattle; live, other than pure-bred breeding animalsImport30,137,95312,338,715Number of items41,467
Montenegro2021Bovine animals; live, other than cattle and buffaloImport1,046,619326,866Number of items1,002
Montenegro2021Swine; live, other than pure-bred breeding animals, weighing less than 50kgImport224,48183,105Number of items2,596
Montenegro2021Swine; live, other than pure-bred breeding animals, weighing 50kg or moreImport236,269137,509Number of items1,276
Montenegro2021Sheep; liveImport2,855,1691,082,420Number of items30,597
Montenegro2021Poultry; live, fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, weighing not more than 185gExport88,067302,565Number of items171,278
Montenegro2021Poultry; live, fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, weighing not more than 185gImport770,60788,615Number of items1,559,702
Montenegro2021Poultry; live, turkeys, weighing not more than 185gImport45,8237,265Number of items12,280
Montenegro2021Poultry; live, fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, weighing more than 185gExport15,83256,475Number of items32,314
Montenegro2021Poultry; live, fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, weighing more than 185gImport774,389228,045Number of items172,818
Montenegro2021Poultry; live, ducks, geese, turkeys and guinea fowls, weighing more than 185gImport25,3607,200Number of items5,042
Montenegro2021Animals; live, n.e.c. in chapter 01, other than mammals, reptiles, birds and insectsExport7,275556No Quantity 
Montenegro2020Horses; live, other than pure-bred breeding animalsImport3,7691,300Number of items2
Montenegro2020Horses; live, other than pure-bred breeding animalsExport3,5541,480Number of items4
Montenegro2020Mules and hinnies; liveImport3,997500Number of items1
Montenegro2020Cattle; live, pure-bred breeding animalsImport388,006179,639Number of items311
Montenegro2020Cattle; live, other than pure-bred breeding animalsImport23,121,61510,619,705Number of items24,306
Montenegro2020Bovine animals; live, other than cattle and buffaloImport430,464154,358Number of items508
Montenegro2020Swine; live, other than pure-bred breeding animals, weighing less than 50kgImport389,890133,472Number of items4,344
Montenegro2020Swine; live, other than pure-bred breeding animals, weighing 50kg or moreImport162,57197,543Number of items907
Montenegro2020Sheep; liveImport1,595,443664,550Number of items18,920
Montenegro2020Sheep; liveExport689,279250,520Number of items5,350
Montenegro2020Goats; liveImport82,6518,000Number of items105
Montenegro2020Goats; liveExport14,9033,600Number of items100
Montenegro2020Poultry; live, fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, weighing not more than 185gImport800,213103,788Number of items1,739,200
Montenegro2020Poultry; live, fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, weighing not more than 185gExport57,162193,625Number of items110,252
Montenegro2020Poultry; live, turkeys, weighing not more than 185gImport63,48310,590Number of items16,300
Montenegro2020Poultry; live, fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, weighing more than 185gImport389,272117,624Number of items90,860
Montenegro2020Poultry; live, fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, weighing more than 185gExport23,18086,326Number of items49,190

Commodity Trade Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN Comtrade) stores more than 1 billion trade data records from 1962. Over 140 reporter countries provide the United Nations Statistics Division with their annual international trade statistics detailed by commodities and partner countries. These data are subsequently transformed into the United Nations Statistics Division standard format with consistent coding and valuation using the UN/OECD CoprA internal processing system.

Last update in UNdata: 2023/10/09
Next update in UNdata: 2024/01/05