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Consumer prices, food indices (2000=100)Go toSearch glossaries

Source: LABORSTA | International Labour Organization

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7 records | Page 1 of 1 | 
Country or AreaYearScopeValue 
Kosovo (Serbia)2008Not applicable1171
Kosovo (Serbia)2007Not applicable1011
Kosovo (Serbia)2006Not applicable1001
Kosovo (Serbia)2005Not applicable961
Kosovo (Serbia)2004Not applicable991
Kosovo (Serbia)2003Not applicable1001
Kosovo (Serbia)2002Not applicable981,2


1 - Index base 2003=100.
2 - May-Dec.


Source:  International Labour Organization

The LABORSTA is an International Labour Office database operated by the ILO Department of Statistics which has data and metadata on labour statistics for over 200 countries or territories. The databases cover household income and expenditure statistics, economically active population, employment, unemployment, employment (or labour force) by detailed occupational group and sex, obtained from population censuses or labour force surveys, comparable employment and unemployment estimates, public sector employment, hours of work, wages, labour cost, consumer prices, October inquiry results, occupational injuries and strikes and lockouts (data since 1969), statistical sources and methods.

Since December 2013, 90% of the information in LABORSTA have been migrated to ILOSTAT (, ILO's new Statistical Information System.
Last update in UNdata: 2010/01/27
Next update in UNdata: Not applicable