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Percent child marriage among women aged 20-24Go toSearch glossaries

Source: Gender Info | United Nations Statistics Division

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3 records | Page 1 of 1 | 
Country or AreaSubgroupYearSourceUnitValue 
TanzaniaRural Female 20-24 yr1999UNICEF_ChildInfo Database_Aug2007Percent48 
TanzaniaTotal Female 20-24 yr1999UNICEF_ChildInfo Database_Aug2007Percent39 
TanzaniaUrban Female 20-24 yr1999UNICEF_ChildInfo Database_Aug2007Percent23 

Gender Info

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

Gender Info 2007 is a global database of gender statistics and indicators on a wide range of policy areas, including: population, families, health, education, work, and political participation. It can be used by governments, international organizations, advocacy groups, researchers and others in need of statistics for planning, analysis, advocacy and awareness-raising. Users will find in Gender Info an easy-to-use tool to shed light on gender issues through customizable tables, graphs and maps. It is an initiative of the United Nations Statistics Division, produced in collaboration with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

This database is no longer updated. Please visit for other Gender Statistics.
Last update in UNdata: 2008/03/21
Next update in UNdata: Not applicable