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135 records | Page 1 of 3 | 
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Country or AreaCurrencyISIC Rev 3YearMeasureValue 
ArmeniaDrams2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2008Output at producers’ prices0 
ArmeniaDrams2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Output at producers’ prices0 
AustraliaDollars2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2011Output (valuation not defined)1063000000 
AustraliaDollars2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2010Output (valuation not defined)1037000000 
AustraliaDollars2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2009Output (valuation not defined)1001000000 
AustraliaDollars2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2008Output (valuation not defined)843000000 
AustraliaDollars2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Output (valuation not defined)846000000 
AustriaEuros2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2008Output (valuation not defined)140000000 
AustriaEuros2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Output (valuation not defined)128000000 
AzerbaijanManat2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2008Output at factor values91000 
AzerbaijanManat2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Output at factor values64000 
BelgiumEuros2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2008Output (valuation not defined)346000000 
BelgiumEuros2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Output (valuation not defined)131000000 
BulgariaLeva2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Output (valuation not defined)21000000 
CanadaDollars2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2008Output (valuation not defined)953603000 
CanadaDollars2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Output (valuation not defined)681694000 
ChinaYuan2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2011Output at producers’ prices194687836000 
ChinaYuan2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2010Output at producers’ prices156957000000 
ChinaYuan2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2009Output at producers’ prices128805000000 
ChinaYuan2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2008Output at producers’ prices123593000000 
ChinaYuan2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Output at producers’ prices92177000000 
ColombiaPesos2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2011Output at factor values1479923265000 
ColombiaPesos2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2010Output at factor values1275761899000 
ColombiaPesos2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2009Output at factor values1596994789000 
ColombiaPesos2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2008Output at factor values1619627006000 
ColombiaPesos2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Output at factor values1240816903000 
CyprusEuros2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Output at producers’ prices6344000 
EcuadorUS Dollars2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2008Output at producers’ prices24043000 
EcuadorUS Dollars2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Output at producers’ prices34574000 
EritreaNakfa2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2011Output at producers’ prices0 
EritreaNakfa2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2010Output at producers’ prices0 
EritreaNakfa2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2009Output at producers’ prices0 
EritreaNakfa2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2008Output at producers’ prices0 
EritreaNakfa2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Output at producers’ prices0 
EthiopiaBirr2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2009Output at producers’ prices0 
EthiopiaBirr2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2008Output at producers’ prices0 
EthiopiaBirr2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Output at producers’ prices0 
FranceEuros2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2008Output (valuation not defined)2524000000 
FranceEuros2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Output (valuation not defined)2452000000 
GermanyEuros2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2008Output (valuation not defined)3567000000 
GermanyEuros2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Output (valuation not defined)3440000000 
HungaryForints2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2008Output (valuation not defined)14915000000 
HungaryForints2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Output (valuation not defined)11210000000 
IndiaRupees2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Output at producers’ prices155172600000 
IndonesiaRupiahs2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2009Output at producers’ prices3931518882000 
IndonesiaRupiahs2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2008Output at producers’ prices4300253244000 
IndonesiaRupiahs2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Output at producers’ prices4600640000000 
Iran (Islamic Republic of)Rials2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2010Output at producers’ prices1909152000000 
Iran (Islamic Republic of)Rials2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2009Output at producers’ prices1593196000000 
Iran (Islamic Republic of)Rials2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2008Output at producers’ prices1496995000000 


Source:  United Nations Industrial Development Organization

INDSTAT4-Rev.3 contains time series data on five selected data items for the period covering 2007 - 2011. The data are arranged at the 3- and 4-digit level of ISIC (Revision 3) pertaining to the manufacturing sector, which comprises 151 manufacturing categories.

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Last update in UNdata: 2014/07/23
Next update in UNdata: To be confirmed