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119 records | Page 1 of 3 | 
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Country or AreaCurrencyISIC Rev 3YearMeasureValue 
AzerbaijanManat2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2009Wages and salaries paid to employees9707000 
AzerbaijanManat2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2008Wages and salaries paid to employees9723000 
AzerbaijanManat2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2007Wages and salaries paid to employees9225000 
BelgiumEuros2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2008Wages and salaries paid to employees434000000 
BelgiumEuros2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2007Wages and salaries paid to employees432000000 
BulgariaLeva2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2007Wages and salaries paid to employees195000 
CanadaDollars2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2008Wages and salaries paid to employees528645000 
CanadaDollars2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2007Wages and salaries paid to employees517452000 
ChinaYuan2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2010Wages and salaries paid to employees18465000000 
ChinaYuan2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2009Wages and salaries paid to employees14340000000 
ChinaYuan2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2008Wages and salaries paid to employees12774000000 
ChinaYuan2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2007Wages and salaries paid to employees9727000000 
ColombiaPesos2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2011Wages and salaries paid to employees25102844000 
ColombiaPesos2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2010Wages and salaries paid to employees27674715000 
ColombiaPesos2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2009Wages and salaries paid to employees24951689000 
ColombiaPesos2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2008Wages and salaries paid to employees28450923000 
CyprusEuros2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2007Wages and salaries paid to employees0 
DenmarkKroner2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2008Wages and salaries paid to employees137190400 
DenmarkKroner2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2007Wages and salaries paid to employees107000000 
EcuadorUS Dollars2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2008Wages and salaries paid to employees2821000 
EcuadorUS Dollars2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2007Wages and salaries paid to employees1326000 
EritreaNakfa2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2011Wages and salaries paid to employees0 
EritreaNakfa2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2010Wages and salaries paid to employees0 
EritreaNakfa2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2009Wages and salaries paid to employees0 
EritreaNakfa2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2008Wages and salaries paid to employees0 
EritreaNakfa2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2007Wages and salaries paid to employees0 
EthiopiaBirr2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2009Wages and salaries paid to employees0 
EthiopiaBirr2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2008Wages and salaries paid to employees0 
EthiopiaBirr2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2007Wages and salaries paid to employees0 
FinlandEuros2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2007Wages and salaries paid to employees123000000 
FranceEuros2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2008Wages and salaries paid to employees571000000 
FranceEuros2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2007Wages and salaries paid to employees458000000 
GreeceEuros2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2007Wages and salaries paid to employees24000000 
HungaryForints2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2008Wages and salaries paid to employees20171000000 
HungaryForints2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2007Wages and salaries paid to employees20133000000 
IndiaRupees2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2007Wages and salaries paid to employees8745200000 
IndonesiaRupiahs2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2009Wages and salaries paid to employees592664240000 
IndonesiaRupiahs2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2008Wages and salaries paid to employees167120534000 
IndonesiaRupiahs2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2007Wages and salaries paid to employees159624000000 
Iran (Islamic Republic of)Rials2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2010Wages and salaries paid to employees4884820000000 
Iran (Islamic Republic of)Rials2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2009Wages and salaries paid to employees3676569170787 
Iran (Islamic Republic of)Rials2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2008Wages and salaries paid to employees2522236719108 
Iran (Islamic Republic of)Rials2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2007Wages and salaries paid to employees1520879000000 
IrelandEuros2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2008Wages and salaries paid to employees17000000 
IrelandEuros2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2007Wages and salaries paid to employees19000000 
IsraelNew Sheqalim2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2010Wages and salaries paid to employees11060000001
IsraelNew Sheqalim2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2009Wages and salaries paid to employees9460000001
IsraelNew Sheqalim2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2008Wages and salaries paid to employees9480000001
IsraelNew Sheqalim2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2007Wages and salaries paid to employees9950000001
ItalyEuros2413 Plastics in primary forms; synthetic rubber2008Wages and salaries paid to employees465000000 


1 - 2413 includes 2310, 2320, 2330, 2430


Source:  United Nations Industrial Development Organization

INDSTAT4-Rev.3 contains time series data on five selected data items for the period covering 2007 - 2011. The data are arranged at the 3- and 4-digit level of ISIC (Revision 3) pertaining to the manufacturing sector, which comprises 151 manufacturing categories.

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Last update in UNdata: 2014/07/23
Next update in UNdata: To be confirmed