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119 records | Page 1 of 3 | 
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Country or AreaCurrencyISIC Rev 3YearMeasureValue 
AustraliaDollars2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2011Value added (valuation not defined)222000000 
AustraliaDollars2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2010Value added (valuation not defined)121000000 
AustraliaDollars2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2009Value added (valuation not defined)135000000 
AustraliaDollars2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2008Value added (valuation not defined)180000000 
AustraliaDollars2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Value added (valuation not defined)174000000 
AustriaEuros2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2008Value added at factor values32000000 
AustriaEuros2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Value added at factor values39000000 
AzerbaijanManat2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2008Value added at factor values30000 
AzerbaijanManat2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Value added at factor values22000 
BelgiumEuros2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2008Value added at factor values155000000 
BelgiumEuros2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Value added at factor values61000000 
BulgariaLeva2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Value added (valuation not defined)5000000 
CanadaDollars2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2008Value added (valuation not defined)499788000 
CanadaDollars2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Value added (valuation not defined)229614000 
ChinaYuan2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Value added at producers’ prices26032000000 
ColombiaPesos2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2011Value added at factor values565142958000 
ColombiaPesos2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2010Value added at factor values454924526000 
ColombiaPesos2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2009Value added at factor values511572835000 
ColombiaPesos2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2008Value added at factor values513772114000 
ColombiaPesos2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Value added at factor values500883511000 
CyprusEuros2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Value added at producers’ prices3759000 
EcuadorUS Dollars2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2008Value added at producers’ prices5718000 
EcuadorUS Dollars2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Value added at producers’ prices6918000 
EritreaNakfa2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2011Value added at producers’ prices0 
EritreaNakfa2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2010Value added at producers’ prices0 
EritreaNakfa2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2009Value added at producers’ prices0 
EritreaNakfa2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2008Value added at producers’ prices0 
EritreaNakfa2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Value added at producers’ prices0 
EthiopiaBirr2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2009Value added at producers’ prices0 
EthiopiaBirr2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2008Value added at producers’ prices0 
EthiopiaBirr2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Value added at producers’ prices0 
FranceEuros2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2008Value added at factor values725000000 
FranceEuros2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Value added at factor values651000000 
GermanyEuros2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2008Value added at factor values1294000000 
GermanyEuros2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Value added at factor values1205000000 
HungaryForints2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2008Value added at factor values4854000000 
HungaryForints2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Value added at factor values3846000000 
IndiaRupees2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Value added at producers’ prices34134800000 
IndonesiaRupiahs2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2009Value added at factor values2075181978000 
IndonesiaRupiahs2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2008Value added at factor values1576405317000 
IndonesiaRupiahs2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Value added at factor values2116900000000 
Iran (Islamic Republic of)Rials2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2010Value added at producers’ prices504784000000 
Iran (Islamic Republic of)Rials2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2009Value added at producers’ prices571592000000 
Iran (Islamic Republic of)Rials2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2008Value added at producers’ prices319431000000 
Iran (Islamic Republic of)Rials2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Value added at producers’ prices357937000000 
ItalyEuros2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2008Value added at factor values213000000 
ItalyEuros2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Value added at factor values174000000 
JapanYen2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2007Value added (valuation not defined)117000000000 
JordanDinars2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2010Value added at producers’ prices8083000 
JordanDinars2421 Pesticides and other agro-chemical products2009Value added at producers’ prices6685000 


Source:  United Nations Industrial Development Organization

INDSTAT4-Rev.3 contains time series data on five selected data items for the period covering 2007 - 2011. The data are arranged at the 3- and 4-digit level of ISIC (Revision 3) pertaining to the manufacturing sector, which comprises 151 manufacturing categories.

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Last update in UNdata: 2014/07/23
Next update in UNdata: To be confirmed