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166 records | Page 1 of 4 | 
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Country or AreaCurrencyISIC Rev 3YearMeasureValue 
ArmeniaDrams2694 Cement, lime and plaster2008Output at producers’ prices26386000000 
ArmeniaDrams2694 Cement, lime and plaster2007Output at producers’ prices23249000000 
AustraliaDollars2694 Cement, lime and plaster2011Output (valuation not defined)106480000001
AustraliaDollars2694 Cement, lime and plaster2010Output (valuation not defined)104170000001
AustraliaDollars2694 Cement, lime and plaster2009Output (valuation not defined)104380000001
AustraliaDollars2694 Cement, lime and plaster2008Output (valuation not defined)115790000001
AustraliaDollars2694 Cement, lime and plaster2007Output (valuation not defined)103920000001
AustriaEuros2694 Cement, lime and plaster2007Output (valuation not defined)484000000 
AzerbaijanManat2694 Cement, lime and plaster2009Output at factor values126374000 
AzerbaijanManat2694 Cement, lime and plaster2008Output at factor values170284000 
AzerbaijanManat2694 Cement, lime and plaster2007Output at factor values136267000 
BelgiumEuros2694 Cement, lime and plaster2008Output (valuation not defined)1170000000 
BelgiumEuros2694 Cement, lime and plaster2007Output (valuation not defined)1108000000 
Brunei DarussalamDollars2694 Cement, lime and plaster2010Output at producers’ prices47071600 
BulgariaLeva2694 Cement, lime and plaster2007Output (valuation not defined)731000000 
CameroonCFA Francs2694 Cement, lime and plaster2008Output (valuation not defined)86117990000 
CanadaDollars2694 Cement, lime and plaster2008Output (valuation not defined)2055855000 
CanadaDollars2694 Cement, lime and plaster2007Output (valuation not defined)2209559000 
ChinaYuan2694 Cement, lime and plaster2011Output at producers’ prices957924568000 
ChinaYuan2694 Cement, lime and plaster2010Output at producers’ prices737039000000 
ChinaYuan2694 Cement, lime and plaster2009Output at producers’ prices597998000000 
ChinaYuan2694 Cement, lime and plaster2008Output at producers’ prices519776000000 
ChinaYuan2694 Cement, lime and plaster2007Output at producers’ prices399600000000 
ColombiaPesos2694 Cement, lime and plaster2011Output at factor values3643735419000 
ColombiaPesos2694 Cement, lime and plaster2010Output at factor values2920886245000 
ColombiaPesos2694 Cement, lime and plaster2009Output at factor values3005306324000 
ColombiaPesos2694 Cement, lime and plaster2008Output at factor values3148750148000 
ColombiaPesos2694 Cement, lime and plaster2007Output at factor values2897017498000 
CyprusEuros2694 Cement, lime and plaster2007Output at producers’ prices120424000 
Czech RepublicKoruny2694 Cement, lime and plaster2007Output (valuation not defined)13894000000 
EcuadorUS Dollars2694 Cement, lime and plaster2008Output at producers’ prices545455000 
EcuadorUS Dollars2694 Cement, lime and plaster2007Output at producers’ prices506250000 
EritreaNakfa2694 Cement, lime and plaster2011Output at producers’ prices36697365 
EritreaNakfa2694 Cement, lime and plaster2010Output at producers’ prices78980000 
EritreaNakfa2694 Cement, lime and plaster2009Output at producers’ prices73008000 
EritreaNakfa2694 Cement, lime and plaster2008Output at producers’ prices64822000 
EritreaNakfa2694 Cement, lime and plaster2007Output at producers’ prices58012000 
EthiopiaBirr2694 Cement, lime and plaster2009Output at producers’ prices2778589000 
EthiopiaBirr2694 Cement, lime and plaster2008Output at producers’ prices2489472000 
EthiopiaBirr2694 Cement, lime and plaster2007Output at producers’ prices2133748000 
FinlandEuros2694 Cement, lime and plaster2007Output (valuation not defined)313000000 
FranceEuros2694 Cement, lime and plaster2008Output (valuation not defined)3193000000 
FranceEuros2694 Cement, lime and plaster2007Output (valuation not defined)3754000000 
GeorgiaLari2694 Cement, lime and plaster2011Output (valuation not defined)274505500 
GeorgiaLari2694 Cement, lime and plaster2010Output (valuation not defined)165519800 
GeorgiaLari2694 Cement, lime and plaster2009Output (valuation not defined)164148900 
GeorgiaLari2694 Cement, lime and plaster2008Output (valuation not defined)270995200 
GeorgiaLari2694 Cement, lime and plaster2007Output (valuation not defined)248681600 
GermanyEuros2694 Cement, lime and plaster2008Output (valuation not defined)3580000000 
GermanyEuros2694 Cement, lime and plaster2007Output (valuation not defined)3256000000 


1 - 2694 includes 2695


Source:  United Nations Industrial Development Organization

INDSTAT4-Rev.3 contains time series data on five selected data items for the period covering 2007 - 2011. The data are arranged at the 3- and 4-digit level of ISIC (Revision 3) pertaining to the manufacturing sector, which comprises 151 manufacturing categories.

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Last update in UNdata: 2014/07/23
Next update in UNdata: To be confirmed