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Government expenditure per tertiary student as % of GDP per capita (%)Go toSearch glossaries

Source: UIS Data Centre | UNESCO Institute for Statistics

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12 records | Page 1 of 1 | 
Reference AreaTime PeriodSexAge groupUnits of measurementObservation Value
Republic of Korea1998Not applicableNot applicablePercent6.44264
Republic of Korea1999Not applicableNot applicablePercent7.66546
Republic of Korea2002Not applicableNot applicablePercent4.5383
Republic of Korea2003Not applicableNot applicablePercent8.34444
Republic of Korea2004Not applicableNot applicablePercent7.94768
Republic of Korea2005Not applicableNot applicablePercent8.16509
Republic of Korea2006Not applicableNot applicablePercent8.96234
Republic of Korea2007Not applicableNot applicablePercent8.47398
Republic of Korea2008Not applicableNot applicablePercent9.44937
Republic of Korea2009Not applicableNot applicablePercent11.98427
Republic of Korea2012Not applicableNot applicablePercent10.69255
Republic of Korea2013Not applicableNot applicablePercent12.92918

UIS Data Centre

Source:  UNESCO Institute for Statistics

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  • Education For All Global Monitoring Report
  • World Development Indicators
  • Human Development Report
  • State of the World’s Children and many others.

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Last update in UNdata: 2016/10/24
Next update in UNdata: To be confirmed