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Government expenditure on education as % of GDPGo toSearch glossaries

Source: UIS Data Centre | UNESCO Institute for Statistics

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Reference Area (197)

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32 records | Page 1 of 1 | 
Reference AreaTime PeriodSexAge groupUnits of measurementObservation Value
Republic of Korea1975Not applicableNot applicablePercent1.99639
Republic of Korea1976Not applicableNot applicablePercent2.62701
Republic of Korea1977Not applicableNot applicablePercent2.31737
Republic of Korea1979Not applicableNot applicablePercent2.89827
Republic of Korea1980Not applicableNot applicablePercent3.33612
Republic of Korea1981Not applicableNot applicablePercent2.77288
Republic of Korea1982Not applicableNot applicablePercent6.07534
Republic of Korea1983Not applicableNot applicablePercent4.18364
Republic of Korea1984Not applicableNot applicablePercent3.90624
Republic of Korea1985Not applicableNot applicablePercent3.89292
Republic of Korea1986Not applicableNot applicablePercent3.54678
Republic of Korea1987Not applicableNot applicablePercent3.30633
Republic of Korea1988Not applicableNot applicablePercent2.71047
Republic of Korea1989Not applicableNot applicablePercent3.03996
Republic of Korea1990Not applicableNot applicablePercent3.02391
Republic of Korea1991Not applicableNot applicablePercent3.47166
Republic of Korea1992Not applicableNot applicablePercent3.57194
Republic of Korea1993Not applicableNot applicablePercent3.70361
Republic of Korea1994Not applicableNot applicablePercent3.05064
Republic of Korea1995Not applicableNot applicablePercent2.9735
Republic of Korea1998Not applicableNot applicablePercent3.42941
Republic of Korea1999Not applicableNot applicablePercent3.44687
Republic of Korea2001Not applicableNot applicablePercent3.89743
Republic of Korea2002Not applicableNot applicablePercent3.79262
Republic of Korea2003Not applicableNot applicablePercent4.13241
Republic of Korea2004Not applicableNot applicablePercent4.11529
Republic of Korea2005Not applicableNot applicablePercent3.90137
Republic of Korea2006Not applicableNot applicablePercent3.96742
Republic of Korea2007Not applicableNot applicablePercent3.95228
Republic of Korea2008Not applicableNot applicablePercent4.46396
Republic of Korea2009Not applicableNot applicablePercent4.66982
Republic of Korea2012Not applicableNot applicablePercent4.61823

UIS Data Centre

Source:  UNESCO Institute for Statistics

The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) provides UNdata with a subset of the more than 1,000 indicators which may be found in the UIS Data Centre.

The UIS Data Centre contains indicators and raw data on education, literacy, science, culture and communication. The UIS collects these data from more than 200 countries and international organizations.

The UIS is the primary data source of education, literacy and science data for leading publications and databases, such as:

  • Education For All Global Monitoring Report
  • World Development Indicators
  • Human Development Report
  • State of the World’s Children and many others.

The Data Centre provides free access to:

  • The Institute’s databases and survey instruments
  • Country profiles
  • Tools to build your own statistical tables
  • Related documentation and metadata.
Last update in UNdata: 2016/10/24
Next update in UNdata: To be confirmed