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Percentage of students in tertiary ISCED (2011) level 5 programmesGo toSearch glossaries

Source: UIS Data Centre | UNESCO Institute for Statistics

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1915 records | Page 1 of 39 | 
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Reference AreaTime PeriodSexAge groupUnits of measurementObservation Value
Afghanistan2011All gendersNot applicablePercent38.28458
Afghanistan2014All gendersNot applicablePercent0
Albania1999All gendersNot applicablePercent1.21552
Albania2000All gendersNot applicablePercent1.15639
Albania2001All gendersNot applicablePercent1.11848
Albania2002All gendersNot applicablePercent1.17173
Albania2003All gendersNot applicablePercent1.30734
Albania2004All gendersNot applicablePercent1.33172
Albania2011All gendersNot applicablePercent1.37829
Albania2012All gendersNot applicablePercent1.16638
Albania2013All gendersNot applicablePercent0
Albania2014All gendersNot applicablePercent0
Andorra2013All gendersNot applicablePercent5.57621
Andorra2014All gendersNot applicablePercent4.81928
Angola1998All gendersNot applicablePercent0
Angola1999All gendersNot applicablePercent0
Angola2002All gendersNot applicablePercent0
Angola2003All gendersNot applicablePercent0
Angola2004All gendersNot applicablePercent0
Angola2005All gendersNot applicablePercent0
Angola2006All gendersNot applicablePercent0
Anguilla1998All gendersNot applicablePercent0
Anguilla1999All gendersNot applicablePercent0
Anguilla2000All gendersNot applicablePercent0
Anguilla2001All gendersNot applicablePercent0
Anguilla2002All gendersNot applicablePercent0
Anguilla2003All gendersNot applicablePercent0
Anguilla2004All gendersNot applicablePercent0
Anguilla2005All gendersNot applicablePercent48.48485
Anguilla2006All gendersNot applicablePercent27.65957
Anguilla2007All gendersNot applicablePercent18.51852
Anguilla2008All gendersNot applicablePercent18.51852
Antigua and Barbuda2011All gendersNot applicablePercent89.41948
Antigua and Barbuda2009All gendersNot applicablePercent91.51398
Antigua and Barbuda2012All gendersNot applicablePercent94.86607
Antigua and Barbuda2010All gendersNot applicablePercent92.47863
Argentina1998All gendersNot applicablePercent26.72172
Argentina1999All gendersNot applicablePercent25.89622
Argentina2000All gendersNot applicablePercent25.75978
Argentina2001All gendersNot applicablePercent25.09355
Argentina2002All gendersNot applicablePercent25.69729
Argentina2003All gendersNot applicablePercent26.41788
Argentina2004All gendersNot applicablePercent25.41495
Argentina2005All gendersNot applicablePercent25.67569
Argentina2006All gendersNot applicablePercent25.15431
Argentina2007All gendersNot applicablePercent30.57668
Argentina2008All gendersNot applicablePercent31.40728
Argentina2009All gendersNot applicablePercent32.2548
Argentina2010All gendersNot applicablePercent32.31039
Argentina2011All gendersNot applicablePercent32.32477

UIS Data Centre

Source:  UNESCO Institute for Statistics

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Last update in UNdata: 2016/10/24
Next update in UNdata: To be confirmed