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Educational attainment: at least completed primary (ISCED 1 or higher), population 25+ years (%)Go toSearch glossaries

Source: UIS Data Centre | UNESCO Institute for Statistics

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1707 records | Page 1 of 35 | 
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Reference AreaTime PeriodSexAge groupUnits of measurementObservation Value
Albania2001Maleover 24 year oldsPercent94.84628
Albania2001All gendersover 24 year oldsPercent91.39765
Albania2008Maleover 24 year oldsPercent94.96308
Albania2008All gendersover 24 year oldsPercent92.39538
Albania2011Maleover 24 year oldsPercent97.31515
Albania2011All gendersover 24 year oldsPercent95.84747
Albania2012Maleover 24 year oldsPercent96.89142
Albania2012All gendersover 24 year oldsPercent95.50839
Albania2001Femaleover 24 year oldsPercent88.01961
Albania2008Femaleover 24 year oldsPercent90.08296
Albania2011Femaleover 24 year oldsPercent94.43134
Albania2012Femaleover 24 year oldsPercent94.26002
Algeria2006Femaleover 24 year oldsPercent38.4552
Algeria2008Femaleover 24 year oldsPercent55.18847
Algeria2006Maleover 24 year oldsPercent54.66061
Algeria2008Maleover 24 year oldsPercent73.47076
Algeria2006All gendersover 24 year oldsPercent46.59089
Algeria2008All gendersover 24 year oldsPercent64.37155
Andorra2003All gendersover 24 year oldsPercent94.38928
Andorra2003Femaleover 24 year oldsPercent93.20574
Andorra2004All gendersover 24 year oldsPercent97.76525
Andorra2004Femaleover 24 year oldsPercent97.0882
Andorra2005All gendersover 24 year oldsPercent93.91362
Andorra2005Femaleover 24 year oldsPercent93.13529
Andorra2006All gendersover 24 year oldsPercent93.0028
Andorra2006Femaleover 24 year oldsPercent91.55164
Andorra2014All gendersover 24 year oldsPercent96.53449
Andorra2014Femaleover 24 year oldsPercent96.14573
Andorra2003Maleover 24 year oldsPercent95.66563
Andorra2004Maleover 24 year oldsPercent98.38035
Andorra2005Maleover 24 year oldsPercent94.61633
Andorra2006Maleover 24 year oldsPercent94.30951
Andorra2014Maleover 24 year oldsPercent96.92208
Anguilla2001All gendersover 24 year oldsPercent95.5177
Anguilla2001Femaleover 24 year oldsPercent95.9596
Anguilla2001Maleover 24 year oldsPercent95.06214
Argentina2001Femaleover 24 year oldsPercent80.44739
Argentina2003Femaleover 24 year oldsPercent89.40048
Argentina2001Maleover 24 year oldsPercent81.34802
Argentina2003Maleover 24 year oldsPercent90.56013
Argentina2001All gendersover 24 year oldsPercent80.87169
Argentina2003All gendersover 24 year oldsPercent89.97009
Armenia2001All gendersover 24 year oldsPercent97.89708
Armenia2011All gendersover 24 year oldsPercent99.35955
Armenia2001Maleover 24 year oldsPercent98.65564
Armenia2011Maleover 24 year oldsPercent99.52137
Armenia2001Femaleover 24 year oldsPercent97.2563
Armenia2011Femaleover 24 year oldsPercent99.22253
Aruba2000All gendersover 24 year oldsPercent90.32299
Aruba2000Maleover 24 year oldsPercent91.7503

UIS Data Centre

Source:  UNESCO Institute for Statistics

The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) provides UNdata with a subset of the more than 1,000 indicators which may be found in the UIS Data Centre.

The UIS Data Centre contains indicators and raw data on education, literacy, science, culture and communication. The UIS collects these data from more than 200 countries and international organizations.

The UIS is the primary data source of education, literacy and science data for leading publications and databases, such as:

  • Education For All Global Monitoring Report
  • World Development Indicators
  • Human Development Report
  • State of the World’s Children and many others.

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Last update in UNdata: 2016/10/24
Next update in UNdata: To be confirmed