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Table 1.2 Gross domestic product by expenditures at constant pricesGo toSearch glossaries

Source: National Accounts Official Country Data | United Nations Statistics Division

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Country or AreaSNA93 Table CodeSub GroupItemSNA93 Item CodeFiscal YearSeriesCurrencySNA SystemFiscal Year TypeBase YearValue 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productFinal consumption expenditureP.32023300córdoba1993Western calendar year2006195,777,010,227 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productGeneral government final consumption expenditureP.32023300córdoba1993Western calendar year200628,195,532,905 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productIndividual consumption expenditureP.312023300córdoba1993Western calendar year200611,412,445,658 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productCollective consumption expenditureP.322023300córdoba1993Western calendar year200616,815,283,682 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productGross capital formationP.52023300córdoba1993Western calendar year200654,125,883,923 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productGross fixed capital formationP.512023300córdoba1993Western calendar year200650,146,259,158 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productChanges in inventoriesP.522023300córdoba1993Western calendar year20064,743,728,081 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productExports of goods and servicesP.62023300córdoba1993Western calendar year200696,912,716,245 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productExports of goodsP.612023300córdoba1993Western calendar year200678,778,472,716 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productExports of servicesP.622023300córdoba1993Western calendar year200618,241,204,450 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productLess: Imports of goods and servicesP.72023300córdoba1993Western calendar year2006143,466,676,290 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productImports of goodsP.712023300córdoba1993Western calendar year2006119,647,811,959 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productImports of servicesP.722023300córdoba1993Western calendar year200624,297,463,547 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productEquals: GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCTB.1*g2023300córdoba1993Western calendar year2006205,375,803,0821
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productFinal consumption expenditureP.32022300córdoba1993Western calendar year2006185,151,910,811 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productGeneral government final consumption expenditureP.32022300córdoba1993Western calendar year200629,115,389,729 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productIndividual consumption expenditureP.312022300córdoba1993Western calendar year200612,056,017,594 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productCollective consumption expenditureP.322022300córdoba1993Western calendar year200616,996,169,771 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productGross capital formationP.52022300córdoba1993Western calendar year200645,108,699,938 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productGross fixed capital formationP.512022300córdoba1993Western calendar year200644,736,448,365 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productChanges in inventoriesP.522022300córdoba1993Western calendar year2006788,801,754 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productExports of goods and servicesP.62022300córdoba1993Western calendar year200695,702,593,362 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productExports of goodsP.612022300córdoba1993Western calendar year200677,276,303,047 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productExports of servicesP.622022300córdoba1993Western calendar year200618,562,719,619 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productLess: Imports of goods and servicesP.72022300córdoba1993Western calendar year2006131,792,457,664 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productImports of goodsP.712022300córdoba1993Western calendar year2006108,625,949,055 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productImports of servicesP.722022300córdoba1993Western calendar year200624,546,977,357 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productEquals: GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCTB.1*g2022300córdoba1993Western calendar year2006196,401,249,6721
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productFinal consumption expenditureP.32021300córdoba1993Western calendar year2006178,334,914,260 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productGeneral government final consumption expenditureP.32021300córdoba1993Western calendar year200631,145,208,749 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productIndividual consumption expenditureP.312021300córdoba1993Western calendar year200613,600,180,734 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productCollective consumption expenditureP.322021300córdoba1993Western calendar year200617,222,071,035 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productGross capital formationP.52021300córdoba1993Western calendar year200646,488,684,844 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productGross fixed capital formationP.512021300córdoba1993Western calendar year200646,698,600,508 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productChanges in inventoriesP.522021300córdoba1993Western calendar year2006181,332,295 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productExports of goods and servicesP.62021300córdoba1993Western calendar year200688,149,707,071 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productExports of goodsP.612021300córdoba1993Western calendar year200674,311,491,669 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productExports of servicesP.622021300córdoba1993Western calendar year200613,816,579,017 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productLess: Imports of goods and servicesP.72021300córdoba1993Western calendar year2006125,528,776,160 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productImports of goodsP.712021300córdoba1993Western calendar year2006104,205,916,245 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productImports of servicesP.722021300córdoba1993Western calendar year200622,102,538,936 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productEquals: GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCTB.1*g2021300córdoba1993Western calendar year2006189,297,908,6601
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productFinal consumption expenditureP.32020300córdoba1993Western calendar year2006163,680,383,031 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productGeneral government final consumption expenditureP.32020300córdoba1993Western calendar year200628,481,255,560 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productIndividual consumption expenditureP.312020300córdoba1993Western calendar year200612,002,949,629 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productCollective consumption expenditureP.322020300córdoba1993Western calendar year200616,330,365,327 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productGross capital formationP.52020300córdoba1993Western calendar year200636,935,127,760 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productGross fixed capital formationP.512020300córdoba1993Western calendar year200634,854,992,555 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productChanges in inventoriesP.522020300córdoba1993Western calendar year20062,524,639,165 
Nicaragua1.2Expenditures of the gross domestic productExports of goods and servicesP.62020300córdoba1993Western calendar year200674,654,092,984 


1 - Chain-linked volume measures are presented in this table, thus discrepancies between components and total may exist.

National Accounts Official Country Data

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The Economic Statistics Branch of the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) maintains and updates the National Accounts Official Country Data database. This work is carried out in accordance with the recommendation of the Statistical Commission at its first session1 that the Statistics Division of the United Nations should publish regularly the most recent available data on national accounts for as many countries and areas as possible. The database contains detailed official national accounts statistics in national currencies as provided by the National Statistical Offices2.

Data are available for most of the countries or areas of the world and form a valuable source of information on their economies. The database contains data as far back as 1946, up to the year t-1, with data for most countries available from the 1970s. The database covers not only national accounts main aggregates such as gross domestic product, national income, saving, value added by industry and household and government consumption expenditure and its relationships; but also detailed statistics for institutional sectors (including the rest of the world), comprising the production account, the generation of income account, the allocation of primary income account, the secondary distribution of income account, the use of disposable income account, the capital account and the financial account, if they are compiled by countries.

The statistics for each country or area are presented according to the uniform table headings and classifications as recommended in the United Nations System of National Accounts 1993 (1993 SNA). A summary of the 1993 SNA conceptual framework, classifications and definitions are included in the yearly publication “National Accounts Statistics, Main Aggregates and Detailed Tables”. A pdf version of the 2023 yearbook with detailed national accounts statistics of 208 countries or areas for the years 2022 to 2023 can be accessed free-of-charge from Former editions of the yearbook (in pdf and print versions) are also available. Details on the publication can be found at Requests for customized data downloads can be addressed to

Last update in UNdata: 2024/10/07
Next update in UNdata: 2025/10/01