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1257 records | Page 1 of 26 | 
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Country or AreaYear(s)VariantValue
Sierra Leone2100Medium16965.728
Sierra Leone2100High24498.391
Sierra Leone2100Low11353.877
Sierra Leone2100Constant fertility45308.577
Sierra Leone2100Instant replacement13512.976
Sierra Leone2100Zero migration17424.254
Sierra Leone2100Constant mortality14209.61
Sierra Leone2100No change38304.757
Sierra Leone2100Momentum11689.138
Sierra Leone2100Instant replacement zero migration13971.041
Sierra Leone2100Median PI16965.728
Sierra Leone2100Upper 80 PI26079.573
Sierra Leone2100Lower 80 PI11474.87
Sierra Leone2100Upper 95 PI32732.671
Sierra Leone2100Lower 95 PI9101.125
Sierra Leone2099Medium16978.646
Sierra Leone2099High24340.824
Sierra Leone2099Low11460.723
Sierra Leone2099Constant fertility44337.851
Sierra Leone2099Instant replacement13507.863
Sierra Leone2099Zero migration17431.178
Sierra Leone2099Constant mortality14281.048
Sierra Leone2099No change37627.118
Sierra Leone2099Momentum11722.26
Sierra Leone2099Instant replacement zero migration13959.037
Sierra Leone2099Median PI16978.646
Sierra Leone2099Upper 80 PI25913.283
Sierra Leone2099Lower 80 PI11551.283
Sierra Leone2099Upper 95 PI32472.323
Sierra Leone2099Lower 95 PI9210.594
Sierra Leone2098Medium16989.076
Sierra Leone2098High24181.518
Sierra Leone2098Low11566.101
Sierra Leone2098Constant fertility43389.763
Sierra Leone2098Instant replacement13503.678
Sierra Leone2098Zero migration17435.576
Sierra Leone2098Constant mortality14350.06
Sierra Leone2098No change36961.493
Sierra Leone2098Momentum11755.905
Sierra Leone2098Instant replacement zero migration13947.981
Sierra Leone2098Median PI16989.077
Sierra Leone2098Upper 80 PI25757.673
Sierra Leone2098Lower 80 PI11625.16
Sierra Leone2098Upper 95 PI32188.045
Sierra Leone2098Lower 95 PI9325.009
Sierra Leone2097Medium16996.801
Sierra Leone2097High24020.29
Sierra Leone2097Low11669.742
Sierra Leone2097Constant fertility42463.719
Sierra Leone2097Instant replacement13500.372

World Population Prospects: The 2022 Revision

Source:  United Nations Population Division

The 2022 Revision of World Population Prospects represents the latest global set of demographic estimates and projections prepared by the Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat. It displays key demographic indicators for selected periods or dates from 1950 to 2100, for the world, development groups, regions, subregions, and countries or areas with more than 1,000 inhabitants in 2021. For countries or areas with fewer than 1,000 inhabitants in 2021, only figures related to population size and growth are provided. The estimates and projections contained in this revision cover a 150-year time horizon, which can be subdivided into estimates (1950-2021) and projections (2022-2100). A sample set of summary indicators are provided as part of UNData. More detailed data by age and sex are available from the Population Division’s website. Citation: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2022). World Population Prospects 2022: Online Edition.
Last update in UNdata: 2022/10/07
Next update in UNdata: 2024/01/15