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1460 records | Page 1 of 30 | 
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Country or AreaYear(s)VariantValue
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2100Medium80045.291
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2100High115915.147
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2100Low53377.268
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2100Constant fertility83227.965
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2100Instant replacement113612.512
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2100Zero migration83597.557
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2100Constant mortality67244.916
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2100No change70244.694
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2100Momentum104962.122
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2100Instant replacement zero migration117746.744
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2100No fertility below age 1878592.101
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2100Accelerated ABR decline78143.707
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2100Accelarated ABR decline w/rec.78968.107
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2100Median PI80045.291
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2100Upper 80 PI108110.469
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2100Lower 80 PI57283.682
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2100Upper 95 PI128165.639
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2100Lower 95 PI44330.657
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2099Medium80579.652
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2099High115718.541
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2099Low54299.112
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2099Constant fertility83707.611
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2099Instant replacement113521.303
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2099Zero migration84076.671
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2099Constant mortality67919.823
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2099No change70874.435
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2099Momentum104991.136
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2099Instant replacement zero migration117580.428
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2099No fertility below age 1879142.341
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2099Accelerated ABR decline78695.58
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2099Accelarated ABR decline w/rec.79511.198
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2099Median PI80579.652
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2099Upper 80 PI108357.126
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2099Lower 80 PI57981.905
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2099Upper 95 PI127809.575
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2099Lower 95 PI44952.776
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2098Medium81105.634
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2098High115516.242
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2098Low55213.645
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2098Constant fertility84177.594
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2098Instant replacement113423.231
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2098Zero migration84549.677
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2098Constant mortality68596.699
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2098No change71504.309
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2098Momentum105021.589
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2098Instant replacement zero migration117410.08
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2098No fertility below age 1879684.76
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2098Accelerated ABR decline79239.811
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2098Accelarated ABR decline w/rec.80046.956
Iran (Islamic Republic of)2098Median PI81105.634

World Population Prospects: The 2024 Revision

Source:  United Nations Population Division

The 2024 Revision of World Population Prospects represents the latest global set of demographic estimates and projections prepared by the Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat. It displays key demographic indicators for selected periods or dates from 1950 to 2100, for the world, development groups, regions, subregions, and countries or areas with more than 1,000 inhabitants in 2023. For countries or areas with fewer than 1,000 inhabitants in 2023, only figures related to population size and growth are provided. The estimates and projections contained in this revision cover a 150-year time horizon, which can be subdivided into estimates (1950-2023) and projections (2024-2100). A sample set of summary indicators are provided as part of UNData. More detailed data by age and sex are available from the Population Division’s website. See also Data Sources for additional metadata and description of the empirical information used to derive estimates for each locations. Citation: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2024). World Population Prospects 2024: Online Edition.
Last update in UNdata: 2024/10/16
Next update in UNdata: 2025/10/16