Country or Area | Year(s) | Variant | Value |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2100 | Medium | 26701.023 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2099 | Medium | 26802.1 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2098 | Medium | 26905.589 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2097 | Medium | 27012.131 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2096 | Medium | 27118.343 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2095 | Medium | 27220.368 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2094 | Medium | 27315.653 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2093 | Medium | 27405.809 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2092 | Medium | 27494.309 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2091 | Medium | 27579.071 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2090 | Medium | 27660.544 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2089 | Medium | 27740.304 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2088 | Medium | 27819.56 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2087 | Medium | 27897.584 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2086 | Medium | 27972.794 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2085 | Medium | 28042.617 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2084 | Medium | 28107.1 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2083 | Medium | 28168.51 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2082 | Medium | 28223.52 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2081 | Medium | 28271.617 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2080 | Medium | 28313.637 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2079 | Medium | 28347.405 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2078 | Medium | 28372.717 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2077 | Medium | 28387.232 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2076 | Medium | 28390.485 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2075 | Medium | 28386.177 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2074 | Medium | 28378.267 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2073 | Medium | 28367.676 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2072 | Medium | 28358.515 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2071 | Medium | 28354.502 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2070 | Medium | 28349.296 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2069 | Medium | 28338.292 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2068 | Medium | 28323.175 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2067 | Medium | 28302.993 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2066 | Medium | 28278.785 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2065 | Medium | 28255.267 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2064 | Medium | 28236.203 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2063 | Medium | 28225.538 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2062 | Medium | 28220.733 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2061 | Medium | 28219.153 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2060 | Medium | 28214.003 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2059 | Medium | 28196.036 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2058 | Medium | 28158.975 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2057 | Medium | 28102.74 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2056 | Medium | 28028.718 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2055 | Medium | 27938.367 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2054 | Medium | 27834.13 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2053 | Medium | 27716.401 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2052 | Medium | 27588.266 |
ADB region: Central and West Asia | 2051 | Medium | 27446.979 |