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Economically active foreign-born population by occupation, age, sex and urban/rural residenceGo toSearch glossaries

Source: Demographic Statistics Database | United Nations Statistics Division

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87585 records | Page 1 of 1752 | 
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Country or AreaYearAreaSexAgeOccupationRecord TypeReliabilitySource YearValue 
Argentina2010TotalBoth SexesTotalLegislators, senior officials and managers (ISCO 88 - 1)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201571,306 
Argentina2010TotalBoth SexesTotalProfessionals (ISCO 88 - 2)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2015112,755 
Argentina2010TotalBoth SexesTotalTechnicians and associate professionals (ISCO 88 - 3)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201539,031 
Argentina2010TotalBoth SexesTotalService workers and shop and market sales workers (ISCO 88 - 5)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2015157,023 
Argentina2010TotalBoth SexesTotalSkilled agricultural and fishery workers (ISCO 88 - 6)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201544,089 
Argentina2010TotalBoth SexesTotalCraft and related trades workers (ISCO 88 - 7)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2015127,418 
Argentina2010TotalBoth SexesTotalPlant and machine operators and assemblers (ISCO 88 - 8)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2015526 
Argentina2010TotalBoth SexesTotalElementary occupations (ISCO 88 - 9)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2015408,571 
Argentina2010TotalBoth SexesTotalWorkers Not Classifiable by Occupation (ISCO 88 - X)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201537,506 
Argentina2010TotalBoth SexesTotalTotal (ISCO 88)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2015998,225 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes10 - 14Legislators, senior officials and managers (ISCO 88 - 1)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201585 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes10 - 14Professionals (ISCO 88 - 2)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2015331 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes10 - 14Technicians and associate professionals (ISCO 88 - 3)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201578 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes10 - 14Service workers and shop and market sales workers (ISCO 88 - 5)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2015449 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes10 - 14Skilled agricultural and fishery workers (ISCO 88 - 6)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2015260 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes10 - 14Craft and related trades workers (ISCO 88 - 7)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2015339 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes10 - 14Plant and machine operators and assemblers (ISCO 88 - 8)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20151 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes10 - 14Elementary occupations (ISCO 88 - 9)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20151,248 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes10 - 14Workers Not Classifiable by Occupation (ISCO 88 - X)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2015154 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes10 - 14Total (ISCO 88)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20152,945 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes15 - 19Legislators, senior officials and managers (ISCO 88 - 1)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2015650 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes15 - 19Professionals (ISCO 88 - 2)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20152,917 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes15 - 19Technicians and associate professionals (ISCO 88 - 3)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20151,282 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes15 - 19Service workers and shop and market sales workers (ISCO 88 - 5)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20157,005 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes15 - 19Skilled agricultural and fishery workers (ISCO 88 - 6)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20152,548 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes15 - 19Craft and related trades workers (ISCO 88 - 7)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20155,364 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes15 - 19Plant and machine operators and assemblers (ISCO 88 - 8)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201516 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes15 - 19Elementary occupations (ISCO 88 - 9)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201514,726 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes15 - 19Workers Not Classifiable by Occupation (ISCO 88 - X)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20151,712 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes15 - 19Total (ISCO 88)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201536,220 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes20 - 24Legislators, senior officials and managers (ISCO 88 - 1)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20151,877 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes20 - 24Professionals (ISCO 88 - 2)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20159,179 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes20 - 24Technicians and associate professionals (ISCO 88 - 3)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20153,735 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes20 - 24Service workers and shop and market sales workers (ISCO 88 - 5)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201517,255 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes20 - 24Skilled agricultural and fishery workers (ISCO 88 - 6)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20154,525 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes20 - 24Craft and related trades workers (ISCO 88 - 7)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201516,958 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes20 - 24Plant and machine operators and assemblers (ISCO 88 - 8)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201514 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes20 - 24Elementary occupations (ISCO 88 - 9)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201542,884 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes20 - 24Workers Not Classifiable by Occupation (ISCO 88 - X)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20153,355 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes20 - 24Total (ISCO 88)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201599,782 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes25 - 29Legislators, senior officials and managers (ISCO 88 - 1)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20153,863 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes25 - 29Professionals (ISCO 88 - 2)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201512,965 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes25 - 29Technicians and associate professionals (ISCO 88 - 3)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20155,481 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes25 - 29Service workers and shop and market sales workers (ISCO 88 - 5)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201520,629 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes25 - 29Skilled agricultural and fishery workers (ISCO 88 - 6)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20154,958 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes25 - 29Craft and related trades workers (ISCO 88 - 7)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201519,277 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes25 - 29Plant and machine operators and assemblers (ISCO 88 - 8)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201552 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes25 - 29Elementary occupations (ISCO 88 - 9)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201552,769 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes25 - 29Workers Not Classifiable by Occupation (ISCO 88 - X)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20154,141 
Argentina2010TotalBoth Sexes25 - 29Total (ISCO 88)Census - de facto - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2015124,135 

Demographic Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The United Nations Statistics Division collects, compiles and disseminates official demographic and social statistics on a wide range of topics. Data have been collected since 1948 through a set of questionnaires dispatched annually to over 230 national statistical offices and have been published in the Demographic Yearbook collection. The Demographic Yearbook disseminates statistics on population size and composition, births, deaths, marriage and divorce, as well as respective rates, on an annual basis. The Demographic Yearbook census datasets cover a wide range of additional topics including economic activity, educational attainment, household characteristics, housing characteristics, ethnicity, language, foreign-born and foreign population. The available Population and Housing Censuses' datasets reported to UNSD for the censuses conducted worldwide since 1995, are now available in UNdata.

This latest update includes several datasets on international travel and migration inflows and outflows, and on incoming and departing international migrants by several characteristics, as reported by the national authorities to the UN Statistics Division for the reference years 2010 to the present as available.
Last update in UNdata: 2025/02/24
Next update in UNdata: 2025/08/15