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Employed population by status in employment, occupation and sexGo toSearch glossaries

Source: Demographic Statistics Database | United Nations Statistics Division

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35874 records | Page 1 of 718 | 
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Country or AreaYearAreaSexStatus in employmentOccupationRecord TypeReliabilitySource YearValue 
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesTotalArmed forces occupations (ISCO 08 - 0)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20146,4781
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesTotalManagers (ISCO 08 - 1)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201430,3401
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesTotalProfessionals (ISCO 08 - 2)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2014100,3881
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesTotalTechnicians and associate professionals (ISCO 08 - 3)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201445,3371
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesTotalClerical support workers (ISCO 08 - 4)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201416,0221
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesTotalService and sales workers (ISCO 08 - 5)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2014115,8931
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesTotalSkilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers (ISCO 08 - 6)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2014162,6021
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesTotalCraft and related trades workers (ISCO 08 - 7)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201497,2851
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesTotalPlant and machine operators, and assemblers (ISCO 08 - 8)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201446,8291
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesTotalElementary occupations (ISCO 08 - 9)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201437,4731
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesTotalUnknownCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201419,3031
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesTotalTotal (ISCO 08)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2014677,9501
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesEmployerArmed forces occupations (ISCO 08 - 0)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201461
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesEmployerManagers (ISCO 08 - 1)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20149,1431
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesEmployerProfessionals (ISCO 08 - 2)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20142,1931
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesEmployerTechnicians and associate professionals (ISCO 08 - 3)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20149101
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesEmployerClerical support workers (ISCO 08 - 4)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20143741
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesEmployerService and sales workers (ISCO 08 - 5)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20147,4301
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesEmployerSkilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers (ISCO 08 - 6)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20141,8361
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesEmployerCraft and related trades workers (ISCO 08 - 7)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20145,0511
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesEmployerPlant and machine operators, and assemblers (ISCO 08 - 8)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20148591
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesEmployerElementary occupations (ISCO 08 - 9)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20145361
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesEmployerUnknownCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20144931
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesEmployerTotal (ISCO 08)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201428,8311
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesOwn account workerArmed forces occupations (ISCO 08 - 0)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2014201
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesOwn account workerManagers (ISCO 08 - 1)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20145,3611
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesOwn account workerProfessionals (ISCO 08 - 2)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20144,3021
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesOwn account workerTechnicians and associate professionals (ISCO 08 - 3)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20141,9661
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesOwn account workerClerical support workers (ISCO 08 - 4)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20145941
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesOwn account workerService and sales workers (ISCO 08 - 5)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201438,1611
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesOwn account workerSkilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers (ISCO 08 - 6)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2014106,0061
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesOwn account workerCraft and related trades workers (ISCO 08 - 7)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201424,0081
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesOwn account workerPlant and machine operators, and assemblers (ISCO 08 - 8)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201410,7721
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesOwn account workerElementary occupations (ISCO 08 - 9)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201412,2551
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesOwn account workerUnknownCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20146,3361
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesOwn account workerTotal (ISCO 08)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2014209,7811
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesEmployeeArmed forces occupations (ISCO 08 - 0)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20146,4461
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesEmployeeManagers (ISCO 08 - 1)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201414,4201
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesEmployeeProfessionals (ISCO 08 - 2)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201493,4221
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesEmployeeTechnicians and associate professionals (ISCO 08 - 3)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201442,0251
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesEmployeeClerical support workers (ISCO 08 - 4)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201414,8801
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesEmployeeService and sales workers (ISCO 08 - 5)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201460,2541
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesEmployeeSkilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers (ISCO 08 - 6)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20148,2091
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesEmployeeCraft and related trades workers (ISCO 08 - 7)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201466,0041
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesEmployeePlant and machine operators, and assemblers (ISCO 08 - 8)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201434,3291
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesEmployeeElementary occupations (ISCO 08 - 9)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201420,7471
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesEmployeeUnknownCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20148,7581
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesEmployeeTotal (ISCO 08)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2014369,4941
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesContributing family membersArmed forces occupations (ISCO 08 - 0)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201461
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesContributing family membersManagers (ISCO 08 - 1)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20141,4161


1 - Data refers to 15 years of age and over.

Demographic Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The United Nations Statistics Division collects, compiles and disseminates official demographic and social statistics on a wide range of topics. Data have been collected since 1948 through a set of questionnaires dispatched annually to over 230 national statistical offices and have been published in the Demographic Yearbook collection. The Demographic Yearbook disseminates statistics on population size and composition, births, deaths, marriage and divorce, as well as respective rates, on an annual basis. The Demographic Yearbook census datasets cover a wide range of additional topics including economic activity, educational attainment, household characteristics, housing characteristics, ethnicity, language, foreign-born and foreign population. The available Population and Housing Censuses' datasets reported to UNSD for the censuses conducted worldwide since 1995, are now available in UNdata.

This latest update includes several datasets on international travel and migration inflows and outflows, and on incoming and departing international migrants by several characteristics, as reported by the national authorities to the UN Statistics Division for the reference years 2010 to the present as available.
Last update in UNdata: 2025/02/24
Next update in UNdata: 2025/08/15