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Occupied housing units by type of housing unit and main source of drinking water for selected citiesGo toSearch glossaries

Source: Demographic Statistics Database | United Nations Statistics Division

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3807 records | Page 1 of 77 | 
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Country or AreaYearAreaType of housing unitCityMain source of drinking waterRecord TypeReliabilitySource YearValue 
Argentina2022TotalTotalBUENOS AIRESTotalCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20241,406,7351
Argentina2022TotalTotalBUENOS AIRESPiped water inside the unitCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20241,378,7951
Argentina2022TotalTotalBUENOS AIRESOtherCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete202427,9401
Argentina2022TotalTotalBUENOS AIRESBoreholeCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete202416,2801
Argentina2022TotalTotalBUENOS AIRESProtected dug wellCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20247891
Argentina2022TotalTotalBUENOS AIRESUnprotected dug well/spring/river/stream/lake/pond/damCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20241,3301,2
Argentina2022TotalTotalBUENOS AIRESUnknown (source)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20249,5411
Argentina2022TotalConventional dwellingsBUENOS AIRESTotalCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20241,360,1981
Argentina2022TotalConventional dwellingsBUENOS AIRESPiped water inside the unitCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20241,335,0851
Argentina2022TotalConventional dwellingsBUENOS AIRESOtherCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete202425,1131
Argentina2022TotalConventional dwellingsBUENOS AIRESBoreholeCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete202414,2991
Argentina2022TotalConventional dwellingsBUENOS AIRESProtected dug wellCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20246921
Argentina2022TotalConventional dwellingsBUENOS AIRESUnprotected dug well/spring/river/stream/lake/pond/damCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20241,2151,2
Argentina2022TotalConventional dwellingsBUENOS AIRESUnknown (source)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20248,9071
Argentina2022TotalOther housing unitsBUENOS AIRESTotalCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete202446,5371
Argentina2022TotalOther housing unitsBUENOS AIRESPiped water inside the unitCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete202443,7101
Argentina2022TotalOther housing unitsBUENOS AIRESOtherCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20242,8271
Argentina2022TotalOther housing unitsBUENOS AIRESBoreholeCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20241,9811
Argentina2022TotalOther housing unitsBUENOS AIRESProtected dug wellCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2024971
Argentina2022TotalOther housing unitsBUENOS AIRESUnprotected dug well/spring/river/stream/lake/pond/damCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20241151,2
Argentina2022TotalOther housing unitsBUENOS AIRESUnknown (source)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20246341
Aruba2010TotalTotalORANJESTADTotalCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201310,1283
Aruba2010TotalTotalORANJESTADPiped water inside the unitCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201310,1283
Aruba2010TotalConventional dwellingsORANJESTADTotalCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201310,1283
Aruba2010TotalConventional dwellingsORANJESTADPiped water inside the unitCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201310,1283
Austria2021TotalTotalGrazTotalCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2024146,005 
Austria2021TotalTotalGrazPiped water inside the unitCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2024145,771 
Austria2021TotalTotalGrazPiped water outside the unit but within 200 metresCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete202414 
Austria2021TotalTotalGrazUnknown (whether piped/unpiped inside/outside the unit)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2024220 
Austria2021TotalTotalLinzTotalCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2024104,816 
Austria2021TotalTotalLinzPiped water inside the unitCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2024104,767 
Austria2021TotalTotalLinzPiped water outside the unit but within 200 metresCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20241 
Austria2021TotalTotalLinzUnknown (whether piped/unpiped inside/outside the unit)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete202448 
Austria2021TotalTotalSalzburgTotalCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete202476,026 
Austria2021TotalTotalSalzburgPiped water inside the unitCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete202475,978 
Austria2021TotalTotalSalzburgPiped water outside the unit but within 200 metresCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20241 
Austria2021TotalTotalSalzburgUnknown (whether piped/unpiped inside/outside the unit)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete202447 
Austria2021TotalTotalWIENTotalCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2024927,468 
Austria2021TotalTotalWIENPiped water inside the unitCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2024926,745 
Austria2021TotalTotalWIENPiped water outside the unit but within 200 metresCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete202435 
Austria2021TotalTotalWIENUnknown (whether piped/unpiped inside/outside the unit)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2024688 
Austria2021TotalConventional dwellingsGrazTotalCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2024145,785 
Austria2021TotalConventional dwellingsGrazPiped water inside the unitCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2024145,771 
Austria2021TotalConventional dwellingsGrazPiped water outside the unit but within 200 metresCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete202414 
Austria2021TotalConventional dwellingsLinzTotalCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2024104,768 
Austria2021TotalConventional dwellingsLinzPiped water inside the unitCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2024104,767 
Austria2021TotalConventional dwellingsLinzPiped water outside the unit but within 200 metresCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20241 
Austria2021TotalConventional dwellingsSalzburgTotalCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete202475,979 
Austria2021TotalConventional dwellingsSalzburgPiped water inside the unitCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete202475,978 
Austria2021TotalConventional dwellingsSalzburgPiped water outside the unit but within 200 metresCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20241 


1 - Data refer to occupied private households.
2 - Including tanker trucks as a source of drinking water.
3 - For the purpose of the census all housing units are considered conventional units. Distinction is only made between the conventional housing untis and the collective living quarters.

Demographic Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The United Nations Statistics Division collects, compiles and disseminates official demographic and social statistics on a wide range of topics. Data have been collected since 1948 through a set of questionnaires dispatched annually to over 230 national statistical offices and have been published in the Demographic Yearbook collection. The Demographic Yearbook disseminates statistics on population size and composition, births, deaths, marriage and divorce, as well as respective rates, on an annual basis. The Demographic Yearbook census datasets cover a wide range of additional topics including economic activity, educational attainment, household characteristics, housing characteristics, ethnicity, language, foreign-born and foreign population. The available Population and Housing Censuses' datasets reported to UNSD for the censuses conducted worldwide since 1995, are now available in UNdata.

This latest update includes several datasets on international travel and migration inflows and outflows, and on incoming and departing international migrants by several characteristics, as reported by the national authorities to the UN Statistics Division for the reference years 2010 to the present as available.
Last update in UNdata: 2025/02/24
Next update in UNdata: 2025/08/15