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Population by language, sex and urban/rural residenceGo toSearch glossaries

Source: Demographic Statistics Database | United Nations Statistics Division

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41146 records | Page 1 of 823 | 
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Country or AreaYearAreaSexLanguageRecord TypeReliabilitySource YearValue 
Åland Islands2000TotalBoth SexesTotalCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete200925,7761
Åland Islands2000TotalBoth SexesFinnishCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20091,2381
Åland Islands2000TotalBoth SexesSwedishCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete200924,1691
Åland Islands2000TotalBoth SexesOtherCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20093691
Åland Islands2000TotalMaleTotalCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete200912,7001
Åland Islands2000TotalMaleFinnishCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20094081
Åland Islands2000TotalMaleSwedishCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete200912,1031
Åland Islands2000TotalMaleOtherCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20091891
Åland Islands2000TotalFemaleTotalCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete200913,0761
Åland Islands2000TotalFemaleFinnishCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20098301
Åland Islands2000TotalFemaleSwedishCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete200912,0661
Åland Islands2000TotalFemaleOtherCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20091801
Albania2023TotalBoth SexesTotalCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20242,402,113 
Albania2023TotalBoth SexesAlbanianCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20242,187,788 
Albania2023TotalBoth SexesMixedCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete202413,719 
Albania2023TotalBoth SexesNot statedCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete202429,120 
Albania2023TotalBoth SexesOtherCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete202437,033 
Albania2023TotalBoth SexesUnknownCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2024134,453 
Albania2023TotalMaleTotalCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20241,190,448 
Albania2023TotalMaleAlbanianCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20241,082,827 
Albania2023TotalMaleMixedCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20246,823 
Albania2023TotalMaleNot statedCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete202414,732 
Albania2023TotalMaleOtherCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete202419,094 
Albania2023TotalMaleUnknownCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete202466,972 
Albania2023TotalFemaleTotalCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20241,211,665 
Albania2023TotalFemaleAlbanianCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20241,104,961 
Albania2023TotalFemaleMixedCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20246,896 
Albania2023TotalFemaleNot statedCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete202414,388 
Albania2023TotalFemaleOtherCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete202417,939 
Albania2023TotalFemaleUnknownCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete202467,481 
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesTotalCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20132,800,138 
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesAlbanianCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20132,765,610 
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesAromanianCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20133,848 
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesGreekCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201315,196 
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesRomani (Gypsy)Census - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20134,025 
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesItalianCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2013523 
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesMacedonianCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20134,443 
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesNot statedCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20133,843 
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesTurkishCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2013714 
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesOtherCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20131,870 
Albania2011TotalBoth SexesSerbo-CroatianCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201366 
Algeria2008TotalBoth SexesTotalCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201530,650,1752,3
Algeria2008TotalBoth SexesArabicCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201512,330,7982,3
Algeria2008TotalBoth SexesArabic and FrenchCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20158,286,4522,3
Algeria2008TotalBoth SexesEnglishCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20157,2632,3
Algeria2008TotalBoth SexesFrenchCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2015395,8162,3
Algeria2008TotalBoth SexesNoneCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20156,881,1342,3
Algeria2008TotalBoth SexesOtherCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete20152,573,6422,3
Algeria2008TotalBoth SexesUnknownCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete2015175,0702,3
Algeria2008TotalMaleTotalCensus - de jure - complete tabulationFinal figure, complete201515,469,7062,3


1 - Statistics are compiled from registers.
2 - Data refer to population 5 years of age and over.
3 - Data refer to population in housing units and collective living quarters only.

Demographic Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The United Nations Statistics Division collects, compiles and disseminates official demographic and social statistics on a wide range of topics. Data have been collected since 1948 through a set of questionnaires dispatched annually to over 230 national statistical offices and have been published in the Demographic Yearbook collection. The Demographic Yearbook disseminates statistics on population size and composition, births, deaths, marriage and divorce, as well as respective rates, on an annual basis. The Demographic Yearbook census datasets cover a wide range of additional topics including economic activity, educational attainment, household characteristics, housing characteristics, ethnicity, language, foreign-born and foreign population. The available Population and Housing Censuses' datasets reported to UNSD for the censuses conducted worldwide since 1995, are now available in UNdata.

This latest update includes several datasets on international travel and migration inflows and outflows, and on incoming and departing international migrants by several characteristics, as reported by the national authorities to the UN Statistics Division for the reference years 2010 to the present as available.
Last update in UNdata: 2025/02/24
Next update in UNdata: 2025/08/15