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2639 records | Page 1 of 53 | 
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Country or AreaCommodity - TransactionYearUnitQuantity 
AngolaVegetal waste - Total energy supply2022Terajoules115,469 
AngolaVegetal waste - Total energy supply2021Terajoules114,126 
AngolaVegetal waste - Total energy supply2020Terajoules112,727 
AngolaVegetal waste - Total energy supply2019Terajoules111,234 
AngolaVegetal waste - Total energy supply2018Terajoules109,628 
AngolaVegetal waste - Total energy supply2017Terajoules107,968 
AngolaVegetal waste - Total energy supply2016Terajoules102,127 
AngolaVegetal waste - Total energy supply2015Terajoules100,681 
AngolaVegetal waste - Total energy supply2014Terajoules99,191 
AngolaVegetal waste - Total energy supply2013Terajoules97,667 
AngolaVegetal waste - Total energy supply2012Terajoules96,099 
AngolaVegetal waste - Total energy supply2011Terajoules94,510 
AngolaVegetal waste - Total energy supply2010Terajoules92,916 
AngolaVegetal waste - Total energy supply2009Terajoules91,327 
AngolaVegetal waste - Total energy supply2008Terajoules89,745 
AngolaVegetal waste - Total energy supply2007Terajoules88,177 
AngolaVegetal waste - Total energy supply2006Terajoules86,612 
AngolaVegetal waste - Total energy supply2005Terajoules85,055 
AngolaVegetal waste - Total energy supply2004Terajoules84,255 
AngolaVegetal waste - Total energy supply2003Terajoules83,424 
AngolaVegetal waste - Total energy supply2002Terajoules82,590 
AngolaVegetal waste - Total energy supply2001Terajoules81,813 
AngolaVegetal waste - Total energy supply2000Terajoules81,130 
AngolaVegetal waste - Total energy supply1999Terajoules80,583 
AngolaVegetal waste - Total energy supply1998Terajoules80,152 
AngolaVegetal waste - Total energy supply1997Terajoules79,773 
AngolaVegetal waste - Total energy supply1996Terajoules79,334 
AngolaVegetal waste - Total energy supply1995Terajoules78,761 
AngolaVegetal waste - Total energy supply1994Terajoules78,000 
AngolaVegetal waste - Total energy supply1993Terajoules76,395 
AngolaVegetal waste - Total energy supply1992Terajoules74,657 
AngolaVegetal waste - Total energy supply1991Terajoules72,957 
AngolaVegetal waste - Total energy supply1990Terajoules71,294 
ArgentinaVegetal waste - Total energy supply2012Terajoules29,978 
ArgentinaVegetal waste - Total energy supply2011Terajoules27,586 
ArgentinaVegetal waste - Total energy supply2010Terajoules27,997 
ArgentinaVegetal waste - Total energy supply2009Terajoules24,922 
ArgentinaVegetal waste - Total energy supply2008Terajoules24,922 
ArgentinaVegetal waste - Total energy supply2007Terajoules25,330 
ArgentinaVegetal waste - Total energy supply2006Terajoules25,456 
ArgentinaVegetal waste - Total energy supply2005Terajoules29,391 
ArgentinaVegetal waste - Total energy supply2004Terajoules28,428 
ArgentinaVegetal waste - Total energy supply2003Terajoules68,740 
ArgentinaVegetal waste - Total energy supply2002Terajoules66,738 
ArgentinaVegetal waste - Total energy supply1994Terajoules44,063 
ArgentinaVegetal waste - Total energy supply1993Terajoules39,938 
ArgentinaVegetal waste - Total energy supply1992Terajoules41,488 
ArgentinaVegetal waste - Total energy supply1991Terajoules47,025 
ArgentinaVegetal waste - Total energy supply1990Terajoules40,375 
ArmeniaVegetal waste - Total energy supply2022Terajoules530 


1 - Estimate

Energy Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The Energy Statistics Database contains comprehensive energy statistics on the production, trade, conversion and final consumption of primary and secondary; conventional and non-conventional; and new and renewable sources of energy. The Energy Statistics dataset, covering the period from 1990 onwards, is available at UNdata. For data prior to 1990, please refer to

For details on how the energy statistics are compiled, please refer to

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Last update in UNdata: 2024/12/11
Next update in UNdata: 2026/01/17