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Country or AreaCommodity - TransactionYearUnitQuantity 
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Imports2023Metric tons, thousand2351
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Imports2022Metric tons, thousand2401
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Imports2021Metric tons, thousand2351
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Imports2020Metric tons, thousand2241
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Imports2019Metric tons, thousand2351
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Imports2018Metric tons, thousand2341
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Imports2017Metric tons, thousand2441
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Imports2016Metric tons, thousand2601
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Imports2015Metric tons, thousand2591
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Imports2014Metric tons, thousand2521
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Imports2013Metric tons, thousand2501
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Imports2012Metric tons, thousand2461
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - International marine bunkers2023Metric tons, thousand1231
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - International marine bunkers2022Metric tons, thousand1281
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - International marine bunkers2021Metric tons, thousand1251
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - International marine bunkers2020Metric tons, thousand1201
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - International marine bunkers2019Metric tons, thousand1241
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - International marine bunkers2018Metric tons, thousand1231
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - International marine bunkers2017Metric tons, thousand1281
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - International marine bunkers2016Metric tons, thousand1331
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - International marine bunkers2015Metric tons, thousand1331
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - International marine bunkers2014Metric tons, thousand1281
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - International marine bunkers2013Metric tons, thousand1271
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - International marine bunkers2012Metric tons, thousand1261
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Transformation2023Metric tons, thousand661
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Transformation2022Metric tons, thousand651
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Transformation2021Metric tons, thousand641
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Transformation2020Metric tons, thousand591
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Transformation2019Metric tons, thousand661
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Transformation2018Metric tons, thousand651
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Transformation2017Metric tons, thousand671
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Transformation2016Metric tons, thousand801
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Transformation2015Metric tons, thousand791
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Transformation2014Metric tons, thousand791
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Transformation2013Metric tons, thousand78 
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Transformation2012Metric tons, thousand771
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Transformation in electricity, CHP and heat plants2023Metric tons, thousand661
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Transformation in electricity, CHP and heat plants2022Metric tons, thousand651
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Transformation in electricity, CHP and heat plants2021Metric tons, thousand641
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Transformation in electricity, CHP and heat plants2020Metric tons, thousand591
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Transformation in electricity, CHP and heat plants2019Metric tons, thousand661
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Transformation in electricity, CHP and heat plants2018Metric tons, thousand651
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Transformation in electricity, CHP and heat plants2017Metric tons, thousand671
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Transformation in electricity, CHP and heat plants2016Metric tons, thousand801
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Transformation in electricity, CHP and heat plants2015Metric tons, thousand791
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Transformation in electricity, CHP and heat plants2014Metric tons, thousand791
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Transformation in electricity, CHP and heat plants2013Metric tons, thousand78 
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Transformation in electricity, CHP and heat plants2012Metric tons, thousand771
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Transformation in electricity plants - main activity producers2023Metric tons, thousand661
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)Fuel oil - Transformation in electricity plants - main activity producers2022Metric tons, thousand651


1 - Estimate

Energy Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The Energy Statistics Database contains comprehensive energy statistics on the production, trade, conversion and final consumption of primary and secondary; conventional and non-conventional; and new and renewable sources of energy. The Energy Statistics dataset, covering the period from 1990 onwards, is available at UNdata. For data prior to 1990, please refer to

For details on how the energy statistics are compiled, please refer to

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Last update in UNdata: 2024/12/11
Next update in UNdata: 2026/01/17