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662 records | Page 1 of 14 | 
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Country or AreaCommodity - TransactionYearUnitQuantity 
AustraliaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2022Terajoules15,947 
AustraliaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2021Terajoules12,7911
AustraliaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2020Terajoules14,7771
AustraliaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2019Terajoules15,4381
AustraliaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2018Terajoules15,2201
AustraliaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2017Terajoules15,7271
AustraliaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2016Terajoules20,0731
AustraliaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2015Terajoules20,5211
AustraliaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2014Terajoules20,9771
AustraliaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2013Terajoules20,0811
AustraliaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2012Terajoules21,0311
AustraliaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2011Terajoules21,7611
AustraliaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2010Terajoules19,2901
AustraliaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2009Terajoules6,2001
AustraliaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2008Terajoules9,1071
AustraliaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2007Terajoules8,5091
AustraliaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2006Terajoules7,3341
AustraliaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2005Terajoules7,2231
AustraliaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2004Terajoules9,7881
AustraliaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2003Terajoules9,8331
AustraliaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2002Terajoules9,4721
AustraliaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2001Terajoules8,7321
AustraliaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2000Terajoules8,4191
AustraliaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.1999Terajoules8,2991
AustraliaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.1998Terajoules8,3301
AustraliaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.1997Terajoules8,3301
AustraliaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.1996Terajoules8,3941
AustraliaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.1995Terajoules8,5521
AustraliaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.1994Terajoules8,4951
AustraliaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.1993Terajoules6,5941
AustraliaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.1992Terajoules6,1371
AustraliaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.1991Terajoules6,5721
AustraliaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.1990Terajoules6,2401
AustriaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2022Terajoules32,3101
AustriaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2021Terajoules31,5031
AustriaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2020Terajoules29,5371
AustriaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2019Terajoules31,4731
AustriaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2018Terajoules30,3651
AustriaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2017Terajoules29,6421
AustriaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2016Terajoules29,5041
AustriaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2015Terajoules23,7811
AustriaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2014Terajoules25,9111
AustriaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2013Terajoules25,5621
AustriaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2012Terajoules24,7771
AustriaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2011Terajoules25,1071
AustriaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2010Terajoules25,8201
AustriaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2009Terajoules23,7581
AustriaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2008Terajoules25,1461
AustriaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2007Terajoules25,1161
AustriaBlack Liquor - Consumption by other manuf., const. and non-fuel ind.2006Terajoules25,5231


1 - Estimate

Energy Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The Energy Statistics Database contains comprehensive energy statistics on the production, trade, conversion and final consumption of primary and secondary; conventional and non-conventional; and new and renewable sources of energy. The Energy Statistics dataset, covering the period from 1990 onwards, is available at UNdata. For data prior to 1990, please refer to

For details on how the energy statistics are compiled, please refer to

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Last update in UNdata: 2024/12/11
Next update in UNdata: 2026/01/17