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97320 records | Page 1 of 1947 | 
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Country or AreaCommodity - TransactionYearUnitQuantity 
AfghanistanNatural gas (including LNG) - production2023Terajoules2,9201
AfghanistanNatural gas (including LNG) - production2022Terajoules2,9001
AfghanistanNatural gas (including LNG) - production2021Terajoules3,1851
AfghanistanNatural gas (including LNG) - production2020Terajoules3,129 
AfghanistanNatural gas (including LNG) - production2019Terajoules5,022 
AfghanistanNatural gas (including LNG) - production2018Terajoules5,978 
AfghanistanNatural gas (including LNG) - production2017Terajoules6,091 
AfghanistanNatural gas (including LNG) - production2016Terajoules6,450 
AfghanistanNatural gas (including LNG) - production2015Terajoules5,705 
AfghanistanNatural gas (including LNG) - production2014Terajoules5,537 
AfghanistanNatural gas (including LNG) - production2013Terajoules6,029 
AfghanistanNatural gas (including LNG) - production2012Terajoules6,243 
AfghanistanNatural gas (including LNG) - production2011Terajoules6,282 
AfghanistanNatural gas (including LNG) - production2010Terajoules5,541 
AfghanistanNatural gas (including LNG) - production2009Terajoules5,541 
AfghanistanNatural gas (including LNG) - production2008Terajoules6,048 
AfghanistanNatural gas (including LNG) - production2007Terajoules6,282 
AfghanistanNatural gas (including LNG) - production2006Terajoules6,672 
AfghanistanNatural gas (including LNG) - production2005Terajoules6,711 
AfghanistanNatural gas (including LNG) - production2004Terajoules4,643 
AfghanistanNatural gas (including LNG) - production2003Terajoules9,443 
AfghanistanNatural gas (including LNG) - production2002Terajoules11,121 
AfghanistanNatural gas (including LNG) - production2001Terajoules4,250 
AfghanistanNatural gas (including LNG) - production2000Terajoules4,550 
AfghanistanNatural gas (including LNG) - production1999Terajoules4,950 
AfghanistanNatural gas (including LNG) - production1998Terajoules5,350 
AfghanistanNatural gas (including LNG) - production1997Terajoules5,750 
AfghanistanNatural gas (including LNG) - production1996Terajoules6,250 
AfghanistanNatural gas (including LNG) - production1995Terajoules6,550 
AfghanistanNatural gas (including LNG) - production1994Terajoules6,830 
AfghanistanNatural gas (including LNG) - production1993Terajoules7,130 
AfghanistanNatural gas (including LNG) - production1992Terajoules7,373 
AfghanistanNatural gas (including LNG) - production1991Terajoules7,920 
AfghanistanNatural gas (including LNG) - production1990Terajoules8,167 
AfghanistanNatural gas - Gross production2023Terajoules2,9201
AfghanistanNatural gas - Gross production2022Terajoules2,9001
AfghanistanNatural gas - Gross production2021Terajoules3,1851
AfghanistanNatural gas - Gross production2020Terajoules3,129 
AfghanistanNatural gas - Gross production2019Terajoules5,022 
AfghanistanNatural gas - Gross production2018Terajoules5,978 
AfghanistanNatural gas - Gross production2017Terajoules6,091 
AfghanistanNatural gas - Gross production2016Terajoules6,450 
AfghanistanNatural gas - Gross production2015Terajoules5,705 
AfghanistanNatural gas - Gross production2014Terajoules5,537 
AfghanistanNatural gas - Gross production2013Terajoules6,029 
AfghanistanNatural gas - Gross production2012Terajoules6,243 
AfghanistanNatural gas - Gross production2011Terajoules6,282 
AfghanistanNatural gas - Gross production2010Terajoules5,541 
AfghanistanNatural gas - Gross production2009Terajoules5,541 
AfghanistanNatural gas - Gross production2008Terajoules6,048 


1 - Estimate

Energy Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The Energy Statistics Database contains comprehensive energy statistics on the production, trade, conversion and final consumption of primary and secondary; conventional and non-conventional; and new and renewable sources of energy. The Energy Statistics dataset, covering the period from 1990 onwards, is available at UNdata. For data prior to 1990, please refer to

For details on how the energy statistics are compiled, please refer to

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Last update in UNdata: 2024/12/11
Next update in UNdata: 2026/01/17