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5078 records | Page 1 of 102 | 
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Country or AreaCommodity - TransactionYearUnitQuantity 
AfghanistanOther kerosene - Consumption by households2023Metric tons, thousand181
AfghanistanOther kerosene - Consumption by households2022Metric tons, thousand171
AfghanistanOther kerosene - Consumption by households2021Metric tons, thousand161
AfghanistanOther kerosene - Consumption by households2020Metric tons, thousand201
AfghanistanOther kerosene - Consumption by households2019Metric tons, thousand211
AfghanistanOther kerosene - Consumption by households2018Metric tons, thousand231
AfghanistanOther kerosene - Consumption by households2017Metric tons, thousand241
AfghanistanOther kerosene - Consumption by households2016Metric tons, thousand211
AfghanistanOther kerosene - Consumption by households2015Metric tons, thousand201
AfghanistanOther kerosene - Consumption by households2014Metric tons, thousand301
AfghanistanOther kerosene - Consumption by households2013Metric tons, thousand311
AfghanistanOther kerosene - Consumption by households2012Metric tons, thousand311
AfghanistanOther kerosene - Consumption by households2011Metric tons, thousand36 
AfghanistanOther kerosene - Consumption by households2010Metric tons, thousand401
AfghanistanOther kerosene - Consumption by households2009Metric tons, thousand481
AfghanistanOther kerosene - Consumption by households2008Metric tons, thousand261
AfghanistanOther kerosene - Consumption by households2007Metric tons, thousand201
AfghanistanOther kerosene - Consumption by households2006Metric tons, thousand201
AfghanistanOther kerosene - Consumption by households2005Metric tons, thousand20 
AfghanistanOther kerosene - Consumption by households2004Metric tons, thousand12 
AfghanistanOther kerosene - Consumption by households2003Metric tons, thousand0 
AfghanistanOther kerosene - Consumption by households2002Metric tons, thousand0 
AfghanistanOther kerosene - Consumption by households2001Metric tons, thousand0 
AfghanistanOther kerosene - Consumption by households2000Metric tons, thousand0 
AfghanistanOther kerosene - Consumption by households1999Metric tons, thousand41
AfghanistanOther kerosene - Consumption by households1998Metric tons, thousand51
AfghanistanOther kerosene - Consumption by households1997Metric tons, thousand61
AfghanistanOther kerosene - Consumption by households1996Metric tons, thousand81
AfghanistanOther kerosene - Consumption by households1995Metric tons, thousand81
AfghanistanOther kerosene - Consumption by households1994Metric tons, thousand101
AfghanistanOther kerosene - Consumption by households1993Metric tons, thousand121
AfghanistanOther kerosene - Consumption by households1992Metric tons, thousand101
AfghanistanOther kerosene - Consumption by households1991Metric tons, thousand81
AfghanistanOther kerosene - Consumption by households1990Metric tons, thousand81
AlbaniaOther kerosene - Consumption by households2004Metric tons, thousand8 
AlbaniaOther kerosene - Consumption by households2003Metric tons, thousand5 
AlbaniaOther kerosene - Consumption by households2002Metric tons, thousand8 
AlbaniaOther kerosene - Consumption by households2001Metric tons, thousand7 
AlbaniaOther kerosene - Consumption by households2000Metric tons, thousand8 
AlbaniaOther kerosene - Consumption by households1999Metric tons, thousand10 
AlbaniaOther kerosene - Consumption by households1998Metric tons, thousand78 
AlbaniaOther kerosene - Consumption by households1997Metric tons, thousand108 
AlbaniaOther kerosene - Consumption by households1996Metric tons, thousand108 
AlbaniaOther kerosene - Consumption by households1995Metric tons, thousand77 
AlbaniaOther kerosene - Consumption by households1994Metric tons, thousand47 
AlbaniaOther kerosene - Consumption by households1993Metric tons, thousand48 
AlbaniaOther kerosene - Consumption by households1992Metric tons, thousand41 
AlbaniaOther kerosene - Consumption by households1991Metric tons, thousand61 
AlbaniaOther kerosene - Consumption by households1990Metric tons, thousand551
AlgeriaOther kerosene - Consumption by households2011Metric tons, thousand0 


1 - Estimate

Energy Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The Energy Statistics Database contains comprehensive energy statistics on the production, trade, conversion and final consumption of primary and secondary; conventional and non-conventional; and new and renewable sources of energy. The Energy Statistics dataset, covering the period from 1990 onwards, is available at UNdata. For data prior to 1990, please refer to

For details on how the energy statistics are compiled, please refer to

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Last update in UNdata: 2024/12/11
Next update in UNdata: 2026/01/17