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54 records | Page 1 of 2 | 
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Country or AreaCommodity - TransactionYearUnitQuantity 
NorwayEthane - Exports2023Metric tons, thousand176 
NorwayEthane - Exports2022Metric tons, thousand218 
NorwayEthane - Exports2021Metric tons, thousand597 
NorwayEthane - Exports2020Metric tons, thousand777 
NorwayEthane - Exports2019Metric tons, thousand847 
NorwayEthane - Exports2018Metric tons, thousand1,176 
NorwayEthane - Exports2017Metric tons, thousand1,236 
NorwayEthane - Exports2016Metric tons, thousand1,273 
NorwayEthane - Exports2015Metric tons, thousand1,106 
NorwayEthane - Exports2014Metric tons, thousand1,061 
NorwayEthane - Exports2013Metric tons, thousand997 
NorwayEthane - Exports2012Metric tons, thousand368 
NorwayEthane - Exports2011Metric tons, thousand351 
NorwayEthane - Exports2010Metric tons, thousand319 
NorwayEthane - Exports2009Metric tons, thousand267 
NorwayEthane - Exports2008Metric tons, thousand343 
NorwayEthane - Exports2007Metric tons, thousand333 
NorwayEthane - Exports2006Metric tons, thousand363 
NorwayEthane - Exports2005Metric tons, thousand297 
NorwayEthane - Exports2004Metric tons, thousand263 
NorwayEthane - Exports2003Metric tons, thousand209 
NorwayEthane - Exports2002Metric tons, thousand662 
Russian FederationEthane - Exports2022Metric tons, thousand2,0001
Russian FederationEthane - Exports2021Metric tons, thousand1,9501
Russian FederationEthane - Exports2020Metric tons, thousand1,9101
Russian FederationEthane - Exports2019Metric tons, thousand1,905 
Russian FederationEthane - Exports2018Metric tons, thousand1,920 
Russian FederationEthane - Exports2017Metric tons, thousand1,514 
Russian FederationEthane - Exports2016Metric tons, thousand2,038 
Russian FederationEthane - Exports2015Metric tons, thousand2,947 
Russian FederationEthane - Exports2014Metric tons, thousand2,515 
Russian FederationEthane - Exports2013Metric tons, thousand2,116 
Russian FederationEthane - Exports2012Metric tons, thousand1,878 
United KingdomEthane - Exports2008Metric tons, thousand0 
United KingdomEthane - Exports2007Metric tons, thousand0 
United KingdomEthane - Exports2006Metric tons, thousand13 
United KingdomEthane - Exports2005Metric tons, thousand0 
United KingdomEthane - Exports2004Metric tons, thousand0 
United KingdomEthane - Exports2003Metric tons, thousand0 
United KingdomEthane - Exports2002Metric tons, thousand0 
United KingdomEthane - Exports2001Metric tons, thousand0 
United KingdomEthane - Exports2000Metric tons, thousand0 
United KingdomEthane - Exports1999Metric tons, thousand10 
United KingdomEthane - Exports1998Metric tons, thousand12 
United StatesEthane - Exports2023Metric tons, thousand10,193 
United StatesEthane - Exports2022Metric tons, thousand9,073 
United StatesEthane - Exports2021Metric tons, thousand7,999 
United StatesEthane - Exports2020Metric tons, thousand5,753 
United StatesEthane - Exports2019Metric tons, thousand5,993 
United StatesEthane - Exports2018Metric tons, thousand5,541 


1 - Estimate

Energy Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The Energy Statistics Database contains comprehensive energy statistics on the production, trade, conversion and final consumption of primary and secondary; conventional and non-conventional; and new and renewable sources of energy. The Energy Statistics dataset, covering the period from 1990 onwards, is available at UNdata. For data prior to 1990, please refer to

For details on how the energy statistics are compiled, please refer to

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Last update in UNdata: 2024/12/11
Next update in UNdata: 2026/01/17