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Trade of goods, US$, HS, 88 Aircraft, spacecraft, and parts thereofGo toSearch glossaries

Source: Commodity Trade Statistics Database | United Nations Statistics Division

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2670 records | Page 1 of 54 | 
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Country or AreaYearCommodityFlowTrade (USD)Weight (kg)Quantity NameQuantity
Albania2007Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport8,6734No Quantity 
Albania2005Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport1,681100Number of items1
Albania2001Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport2,82318,450No Quantity 
Albania1998Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport4,724 Number of items101
Algeria2006Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport46,8341,302Number of items11,500
Algeria2005Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport169,6773,688Number of items22,812
Algeria2004Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport41,3301,058Number of items8,500
Algeria2003Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport56,0742,832No Quantity 
Algeria2002Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport1,62117No Quantity 
Algeria2001Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport81,1971,581No Quantity 
Algeria2000Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport69,0703,002No Quantity 
Algeria1999Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport24,1611,385Weight in kilograms1,385
Algeria1998Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport21,916257Weight in kilograms257
Algeria1997Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport110,7985,274Weight in kilograms5,274
Algeria1995Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport62,0633,062Weight in kilograms3,062
Algeria1994Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport66,1492,437Weight in kilograms2,437
Algeria1992Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport43,2953,062Weight in kilograms3,062
Andorra2004Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport10,35275No Quantity 
Andorra2003Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport1,44913No Quantity 
Andorra2002Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport1,42050No Quantity 
Andorra2001Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport1,16661No Quantity 
Andorra2001Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftExport6825No Quantity 
Andorra2000Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport6,934280No Quantity 
Andorra2000Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftExport1,6339No Quantity 
Andorra1999Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftExport1,6178Weight in kilograms8
Andorra1998Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport25,207467Weight in kilograms467
Andorra1997Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport12,34771Weight in kilograms71
Andorra1996Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport8,40041Weight in kilograms41
Andorra1995Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport33,100352Weight in kilograms352
Angola2007Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport4,799610No Quantity 
Anguilla2008Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport19426No Quantity 
Anguilla2007Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport9445No Quantity 
Anguilla2004Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport1,47429No Quantity 
Antigua and Barbuda2012Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport6633Number of items60
Antigua and Barbuda2011Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport676Number of items3
Antigua and Barbuda2009Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport3243Number of items110
Antigua and Barbuda2007Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport4,09119No Quantity 
Antigua and Barbuda2005Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport1,31628No Quantity 
Antigua and Barbuda2000Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport766No Quantity 
Antigua and Barbuda2000Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftRe-Export1,852272No Quantity 
Antigua and Barbuda2000Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftExport1,852272No Quantity 
Antigua and Barbuda1999Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport189,4334,886Weight in kilograms4,886
Antigua and Barbuda1999Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftRe-Export32,4074,269Weight in kilograms4,269
Antigua and Barbuda1999Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftExport32,4074,269Weight in kilograms4,269
Argentina2006Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport9,752130Number of items260
Argentina2005Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport7,763108Number of items216
Argentina2004Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftExport1,110527Number of items2
Argentina2003Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftExport1,292256No Quantity 
Argentina2003Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport2,24633Number of items150
Argentina2002Balloons & dirigibles; oth. non-powered aircraftImport11,905414Number of items494

Commodity Trade Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN Comtrade) stores more than 1 billion trade data records from 1962. Over 140 reporter countries provide the United Nations Statistics Division with their annual international trade statistics detailed by commodities and partner countries. These data are subsequently transformed into the United Nations Statistics Division standard format with consistent coding and valuation using the UN/OECD CoprA internal processing system.

Last update in UNdata: 2024/10/09
Next update in UNdata: 2025/03/01