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Trade of goods, US$, HS, 85 Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof; sound recorders and reproducers; television image and sound recorders and reproducers, parts and accessories of such articlesGo toSearch glossaries

Source: Commodity Trade Statistics Database | United Nations Statistics Division

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7628 records | Page 1 of 153 | 
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Country or AreaYearCommodityFlowTrade (USD)Weight (kg)Quantity NameQuantity
Albania2018Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport1696Weight in kilograms6
Albania2015Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport17123Weight in kilograms23
Albania2013Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport40272Weight in kilograms72
Albania2012Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport5,08646Weight in kilograms46
Albania2011Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport1561Weight in kilograms1
Albania2010Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport1,814338Weight in kilograms338
Albania2009Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport1,538345Weight in kilograms345
Albania2008Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport18,0271,551Weight in kilograms1,551
Albania2007Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport7,1328,416Weight in kilograms8,416
Albania2006Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport2,356755Weight in kilograms755
Albania2005Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport12,0051,970Weight in kilograms1,970
Albania2004Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport22,1173,259Weight in kilograms3,259
Albania2003Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport9,1289,484Weight in kilograms9,484
Albania2002Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport7,9742,570Weight in kilograms2,570
Albania2001Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport2,024600Weight in kilograms600
Albania2000Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport4,2707,630Weight in kilograms7,630
Albania1999Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport113,78258,486Weight in kilograms58,486
Albania1999Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyExport9703,125Weight in kilograms3,125
Albania1998Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport2,677398Weight in kilograms398
Albania1997Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport652 No Quantity 
Albania1996Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport48,441 No Quantity 
Algeria2017Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport129,19522,484Weight in kilograms22,484
Algeria2016Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport47,8276,316Weight in kilograms6,316
Algeria2015Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport10,1791,059Weight in kilograms1,059
Algeria2014Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport109,67210,626Weight in kilograms10,626
Algeria2013Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport77,3569,875Weight in kilograms9,875
Algeria2012Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport28,25711,128Weight in kilograms11,128
Algeria2011Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport95,04017,970Weight in kilograms17,970
Algeria2010Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport53,22416,481Weight in kilograms16,481
Algeria2009Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport401,1616,734Weight in kilograms6,734
Algeria2008Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport36,9333,119Weight in kilograms3,119
Algeria2007Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport22,98319,686Weight in kilograms19,686
Algeria2006Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport27,2229,891Weight in kilograms9,891
Algeria2005Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport79,6676,736Weight in kilograms6,736
Algeria2004Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport51,78814,586Weight in kilograms14,586
Algeria2003Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport15,6144,865Weight in kilograms4,865
Algeria2002Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport382,8849,916Weight in kilograms9,916
Algeria2001Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport33,92842,105Weight in kilograms42,105
Algeria2000Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport54,50715,721Weight in kilograms15,721
Algeria1999Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport13,738356Weight in kilograms356
Algeria1998Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport89,3681,632Weight in kilograms1,632
Algeria1997Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport65,4592,986Weight in kilograms2,986
Algeria1996Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport1,67024Weight in kilograms24
Algeria1995Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport4,5732,297Weight in kilograms2,297
Algeria1994Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport25,727252Weight in kilograms252
Algeria1993Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport17,7367,425Weight in kilograms7,425
Algeria1992Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport2,066382Weight in kilograms382
Andorra2023Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyExport571Weight in kilograms1
Andorra2023Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyImport10,492154Weight in kilograms154
Andorra2022Lamps; parts of portable, electric lamps of heading no. 8513, designed to function by their own source of energyExport1,582104Weight in kilograms104

Commodity Trade Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN Comtrade) stores more than 1 billion trade data records from 1962. Over 140 reporter countries provide the United Nations Statistics Division with their annual international trade statistics detailed by commodities and partner countries. These data are subsequently transformed into the United Nations Statistics Division standard format with consistent coding and valuation using the UN/OECD CoprA internal processing system.

Last update in UNdata: 2024/10/09
Next update in UNdata: 2025/03/01