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Trade of goods, US$, HS, 84 Machinery and mechanical appliances, boilers, nuclear reactors; parts thereofGo toSearch glossaries

Source: Commodity Trade Statistics Database | United Nations Statistics Division

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6434 records | Page 1 of 129 | 
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Country or AreaYearCommodityFlowTrade (USD)Weight (kg)Quantity NameQuantity
Albania2011Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport4,166104Weight in kilograms104
Albania2009Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport7776Weight in kilograms6
Albania2008Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport7,557615Weight in kilograms615
Albania2006Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport23,4852,186Weight in kilograms2,186
Albania2005Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport5,297170Weight in kilograms170
Albania2004Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport88,9508,696Weight in kilograms8,696
Albania2003Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport20,2623,198Weight in kilograms3,198
Albania2002Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport90,11824,381Weight in kilograms24,381
Albania2001Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport2,109480Weight in kilograms480
Albania2000Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport1,629703Weight in kilograms703
Albania1999Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport39,34813,983Weight in kilograms13,983
Albania1998Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport3,1391,944Weight in kilograms1,944
Albania1997Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport30,3016,937Weight in kilograms6,937
Albania1996Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport5,8743,125Weight in kilograms3,125
Algeria2017Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport7,416,180416,440Weight in kilograms416,440
Algeria2016Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport344,9243,969Weight in kilograms3,969
Algeria2015Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport1,083,100271,196Weight in kilograms271,196
Algeria2014Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport8,382,298696,623Weight in kilograms696,623
Algeria2013Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport9,213,545804,026Weight in kilograms804,026
Algeria2013Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsExport1724Weight in kilograms4
Algeria2012Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport65,0172,035Weight in kilograms2,035
Algeria2011Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport5,176,929137,222Weight in kilograms137,222
Algeria2010Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport49,978,9011,786,319Weight in kilograms1,786,319
Algeria2009Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport51,728,8352,490,957Weight in kilograms2,490,957
Algeria2008Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport31,799,153785,339Weight in kilograms785,339
Algeria2007Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport10,816,719505,466Weight in kilograms505,466
Algeria2006Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport183,0718,869Weight in kilograms8,869
Algeria2005Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport956,85560,811Weight in kilograms60,811
Algeria2004Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport6,745,623347,615Weight in kilograms347,615
Algeria2003Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport663,5567,159Weight in kilograms7,159
Algeria2002Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport262,22227,000Weight in kilograms27,000
Algeria2001Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport166,49914,718Weight in kilograms14,718
Algeria2000Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport46,7676,977Weight in kilograms6,977
Algeria1999Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport62,1975,421Weight in kilograms5,421
Algeria1998Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport1,875411Weight in kilograms411
Algeria1997Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport11267Weight in kilograms67
Algeria1996Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport3,190430Weight in kilograms430
Algeria1995Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport15,425527Weight in kilograms527
Algeria1994Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport5,201,484583,805Weight in kilograms583,805
Algeria1993Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport3,876,8301,983,651Weight in kilograms1,983,651
Algeria1992Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport319,9762,450Weight in kilograms2,450
Andorra2021Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport921Weight in kilograms1
Andorra2016Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport15920Weight in kilograms20
Andorra2014Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport46910Weight in kilograms10
Andorra2011Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport56035Weight in kilograms35
Andorra2010Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport613Weight in kilograms3
Andorra2008Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport72036Weight in kilograms36
Andorra2007Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport18021Weight in kilograms21
Andorra2006Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport15223Weight in kilograms23
Andorra2004Boilers; condensers, for steam or other vapour power unitsImport1,73333Weight in kilograms33

Commodity Trade Statistics Database

Source:  United Nations Statistics Division

The United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN Comtrade) stores more than 1 billion trade data records from 1962. Over 140 reporter countries provide the United Nations Statistics Division with their annual international trade statistics detailed by commodities and partner countries. These data are subsequently transformed into the United Nations Statistics Division standard format with consistent coding and valuation using the UN/OECD CoprA internal processing system.

Last update in UNdata: 2024/10/09
Next update in UNdata: 2025/03/01